TranslitKeyboard - Ukrainian
Українська на латинській (німецькій, англійській та інших) клавіатурах. Ukrainian on latin (german, english and other) keyboards. Ukrainisch auf der lateinischen (deutschen, englischen und anderen) Tastaturen.
15 users
Language Lookup!
Highlight a word or phrase, right click it, then choose its language to look up its definition in that language! By default it's catered to my own personal preferences, so let me know if you like it and I'll add extra features to help you!
15 users
Words Discoverer
Highlights rare English dictionary words and idioms on web pages. Facilitates English language learning and expands your vocabulary.
15 users
Lisan multilingual proofreader and writing assistant.
15 users
Multilingual subtitles on WWDC videos. Note: This extension and the subtitles are unofficial.
15 users
ChatGPT-Opener is a simple extension that allows you to open ChatGPT in a new tab and sign in directly from your browser.
15 users
Japanese Word Of The Day
Gives you a random Japanese word daily
15 users
The add-on romanizes (converts to latin script) the text of loaded pages, if language is enabled and web page is included. Languages: Chinese, Arabic, Russian, Greek ... It shows the pronunciation of English words.
15 users
taf-Text To Speech
Reads out loud the selected text.
15 users
Transliterates Serbian Cyrillic to Serbian Latin on any web page
15 users
Create custom Pre and Postprompts for ChatGPT
15 users
Puzzle English Dictionary (Unofficial)
Неофициальное расширение для добавления слов в словарь Puzzle English
14 users
Language Switcher for Microsoft Learn
This extension is a tool to quickly switch the language code of the Microsoft Learn site. You can set your language code on the options page.
14 users
Spell Checker
Press 'Ctrl' + 'Space' to prompt a menu where you can quickly choose the correct word by navigating with 'j' and 'k'. Select a word by pressing 'Tab', 'Space'. :)
14 users
Transleta 🇬🇧 🇪🇸
Traduzca texto seleccionado, de Inglés a Español, utilizando el motor de traducción de Google
14 users
English-Hindi Translitration
Live transliteration of Roman (English) script to Devanagari (Hindi) script for easy typing in Hindi.
14 users
Experimental extension to translate BowlRoll into English.
14 users
MDBG Simplified Chinese Dictionary Search
Search engine add-on for the MDBG Simplified Chinese Dictionary
14 users
Netflix en català
Gaudeix dels doblatges en català que Netflix no incorpora.
14 users
Evolia AI
This tool simplifies web3 research by providing a concise summary that removes clutter, making it easier to understand.
14 users
UncovAI Extension
An efficient and ecological method for detecting generative texts 😎
14 users
Unicode Input
Allows entering of unicode characters by 4 character hex codes, eg 00e9 for e acute, followed by the Insert key. Doesn't work on sites with complicated frame set ups, eg Gmail, YouTube, or Twitter. Designed initially for use with Ex Libris Alma.
14 users
browser words completion source for coc-browser
14 users
Tamil Dictionary
An Tamil Dictionary which gives meaning of a word which is double-click selected on a webpage.
14 users
Get Emoji
Collection of more than 1000 emojis. Just select, copy and paste.
14 users