MP4 Stream Blocker
Blocks all .mp4 streams on webpages.
9 users
Image Searcher
Allows selecting an area of the page to do a reverse image search.
9 users
Viewers back to bottom (Twitch)
Rearrange Twitch layout to place the viewers and title back at the bottom of the stream.
9 users
Netflix More More Info
Add a `More Info` button to the recommendations on the details page on
9 users
Search for Sheet Music
Search for Sheet Music plus Audio Files to download instantly! A powerful advanced search tool to find your sheet music with a right click
9 users
Youtube Master
Enhance user experience on Youtube
9 users
Spotify Shuffler
Sick of Spotify's boring shuffle? Shake up your playlists with our permanent shuffle and keep the tunes fresh every time!
9 users
YouTube Ad Skipper
Speeds up and skips YouTube ads automatically.
9 users
Playlist Time Calculator
Displays the total duration of YouTube playlists and estimated time needed for different playback speeds.This extension, "YouTube Playlist Duration," provides users with a convenient way to view the total duration of YouTube playlists
9 users
Video Blocker
Hide not relevant videos for you from youtube
9 users
Youtube custom thumbnail resetter
A plugin to remove custom thumbnails from youtube UI and replace them with default ones.
9 users
Simple image alt viewer
Right click an image to see the alt, then click on the alt to copy it.
9 users
YT Better Speedslider
Changes the YouTube 'Custom Speed Slider' to accept up to 4x speed. Allows for 4x video speed on Youtube
9 users
YouTube AntiSpoiler
Hide time display and progress bar for YouTube videos matching by words in title
9 users
"Anna'sArchive: Goodreads, Amazon"
Allows for quick searching of goodread books or amazon in Anna's Archive
9 users
YouTube Summarizer
Summarize YouTube videos with AI. Requires either OpenAI or Anthropic API key.
9 users
Add timestamps to YouTube videos
9 users
Alt Text Creator
Creates alternate text for images using the GPT-4 model from OpenAI.
9 users
Video Speeder
Speeds up HTML5 videos in the current tab.
9 users
YouTube Notificator
Adds notifications about switching videos on YouTube tab when you're busy. For example, you play a playlist with YT music, hide the browser and take care of something else. Music switches and you receive a notification with the title of new song.
9 users
Allows you to listen music by external third party music player from the browser.
9 users
Reddit Downloader
Download Reddit posts with ease!
9 users
Latest CBS News Videos
See the latest and most popular CBS News Video. View the Latest News Videos Daily. Free-to-watch videos daily in just 1-Click. Addon uses 3rd party site ( for operation.
9 users
Drum Pad
Keyboard drum Pad on every day!
9 users
GoGoAnime Plus
Adds a watch tracker to More features are planned.
9 users