Want to Listen
Easily add items from Discogs, Spotify, Mixcloud & Bandcamp to your Digs.fm 'Want to Listen' list.
8 users
Create a slideshow in pinterest. More details as video on: https://youtu.be/zTvP43jt3z4
8 users
WerStreamt.es Listen Links
Verlinkt Listen auf WerStreamt.es standardmäßig auf die Übersichtsseiten und fügt Links zu den Bearbeiten-Seiten hinzu.
8 users
Reverts Youtube shorts to regular videos
8 users
IMDb Magic
From IMDb website, open links directly in streaming server websites - button automatically appears in top left corner (check the screenshots). Please use the Mozilla add-on 'uBlock Origin' for blocking the ads.
8 users
Niconico VOM Player
8 users
Loop your favorite videos with a single click
8 users
豆瓣相册自动翻页。 这是第一版,仅仅实现了在自动翻页(自动开始,间隔5秒)和暂停(按s键)。 作用就是在看一个包含好几百张的照片的相册时不用一张一张一直点。 如果要禁用,请前往浏览器扩展界面,禁用此扩展。
8 users
PietSmiet Reactions YouTube
Adds a textbox underneath the YouTube player so see if a PietSmiet reaction exists to this video.
8 users
Something™ Spaces
Something™ Spaces in your new tabs.
8 users
Hide youtube video suggestions
This will hide youtube end-cards of last time video
7 users
Sync Everything
A Firefox Extension to synchronize video playback between P2P devices
7 users
Yitty - a youtube downloader
Download any YouTube video
7 users
Toggle WebRTC
A toolbar button to toggle disabling WebRTC
7 users
Small extentsion that adds Picture-in-Picture button to your YouTube player and makes you able to play any YouTube Shorts as a normal video.
7 users
Audio Player
Audio Player Sidebar
7 users
Return to Timestamp for YouTube
Adds a button to scroll back down to the last clicked timestamp on YouTube.
7 users
Alpha Coders
Submit Images To AlphaCoders.com
7 users
Sehen Sie sich Profilbilder in höchster HD-Qualität an und laden Sie sie herunter.
7 users
盘络上传,是一款免费的上传扩展程序提供兰空图床,简单图床,chevereto,阿里云oss,AWS S3,等程序的文件上传
7 users
YouTube Redify
Make YouTube Red again (instead of magenta)
7 users
Stream Navigator
Navigate the streaming world with ease using StreamNavigator. This intuitive Firefox addon provides a seamless way to track manifests and subtitles used by various streaming protocols.
7 users
Automatically makes Youtube shorts appear as normal videos
7 users
Headway — New Tab Todo List
Replace your 'New Tab' page with a simple, fast and beautiful todo list.
7 users