YouTube Comment Reader
Search, Sort, Filter, Translate, Read YouTube Comments in spreadsheet format. Navigate through Comments & Responses with arrow keys.
215 users
Find the subtitle for any video you want.
214 users
YouTube queue/playlist links export
Adds a button to export/copy video links from a YouTube Queue/Playlist to clipboard
214 users
快捷键调整哔哩哔哩视频播放速度 1.2版 z 1倍速 x 减速 -0.1 c 加速 +0.1 ` 1倍速 1 1.25倍速 2 1.5倍速 3 1.75倍速 4 2倍速 5 2.25倍速 6 2.5倍速 7 2.75倍速 8 3倍速 9 4倍速 0 5倍速
212 users
Letterboxd IMDb Trivia
Shows IMDb trivia on Letterboxd movie pages.
212 users
Find Image In...
Easy search by image, in Google or Yandex, just a few clicks.
211 users
imgur Community Extension
Take screenshots, add images to your imgur account and upload images from your desktop using drag and drop.
210 users
Audio editor online Audacity with Telegram
Audio editor online to edit your audios, remove noise, cut and combine clips, and apply special audio effects
210 users
Download and scrape e926/e621 pools and etc.
209 users
YouTube Live Chat Translator
Real-time chat translations for YouTube live streams. Instantly translates messages in 139 languages, making it easy to connect with a global audience. Perfect for viewers and streamers!
209 users
Auto HD|LQ for YouTube™
Play YouTube™ Videos in the Highest or Lowest Available Quality
208 users
Play media on current URL in external application. Best used with mpv and youtube-dl. Please visit the Homepage for more info, known issues and issue reporting.
208 users
YouTube ZOOM
This extension adds a zoom function for YouTube. <strong>In order to use it you have to be logged in.</strong>
208 users
YouTube Shorts Disabler
Redirects YouTube shorts to regular videos
206 users Extension
Anime/Japanese Radio powered by!
206 users
↺ Netflix Rewind 1 sec
Allows you to ↺ rewind the videoplayer on by 1 second each time you press the <⃣ key. The amount of seconds to seek can be adjusted via the 🛠️ Options page.
206 users
Unlimited Daily Saves for
Removes the 3 saves per day limit on Pixlr apps.
205 users
DiReec All-in-One Screen Recorder for Firefox
Record screen, webcam & audio seamlessly with the DiReec one-click screen recorder extension. Unleash your content creation now!
204 users
YouTube Moveable Chat List
Make the YouTube live chat list moveable and customizable,so you can view chat messages in fullscreen mode
203 users
Image Harvester
精准、高效地下载网页中的图片. Download images on web pages precisely and efficiently.
203 users
Wallhaven Direct Downloader
Allows you to download the wallpapers on Wallhaven directly from the search/tag/random/toplist pages
203 users
Image Editor
A powerful picture editor, edit and save pictures online, can modify text,Image Text,Image Watermark,Rotate,Filter,Crop,Flip,Color.
203 users
Copy Alt Text
Adds a context menu option to copy image alt text to the clipboard.
203 users
BC Video Fix
This extension fixes some bitchute videos, that do not load. Moreover, you get the option to search on external search engines for a bitchute video. Furthermore, this extension allows you to download videos on bitchute and odysee.
202 users