Youtube Flash Switch
Youtube Flash Switch simply switches back Flash Player on YouTube in the fastest way possible.
192 users
Watch Party
Watch Netflix online with your friends!
192 users
View Image Button
Bring back the view image button for Google image search results.
191 users
Open video in a new tab
Adds a context menu option to open videos in a new tab
191 users
Enhance-O-Tron for Plex
Adds movie trailers, library shuffling, 21:9 zoom and audio compression to Plex
190 users
Allows you to take any link & fetch its data, either by directly downloading it, backing it up or transferring it to a third party.
190 users
Download with Wget
when activated, interrupts the built-in download manager to direct links to Wget
189 users
Block Youtube Miniplayer
Block the miniplayer on Youtube.
189 users
URSTYLE Clipper Tool
Save items you love to, new polyvore replacement
188 users
Instagram Downloader
This extension allows you to download Instagram videos and pictures with a single click.
188 users
Rotten Tomatoes Search
Use the context menu (right click) to search on Rotten Tomatoes (<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>) any text from other websites.
186 users
Lenz Image Downloader
Download images from Instagram in a quality of your choice
185 users
A Firefox port of a Chrome extension to stream web videos to Roku devices.
185 users
Watch UK TV
Watch UK TV channels via TV Catchup and iPlayer Watch any of 58 UK freeview channels live streamed right in your browser. BBC1, BBC2, ITV1, Channel 4 ,Channel Five, Film 4, Dave etc
185 users
VK Classic Feed — old posting and the old VK feed
Returns the old posting interface and old feed. Created by VK Next team.
185 users
SD Prompts Checker
Quickly check for the used prompts of a PNG, JPEG or WEBP image generated by Stable Diffusion AI on any website.
184 users
Youtube AdBlocker Plus
Youtube AdBlocker Plus. Blocks most of the ads while playing Youtube Video. Easy to Use extension. Save your time on productive tasks rather than wasting on ads.
184 users
Bookmark Youtube videos, saving the current position. Resume playback later.
184 users
A seamless watching experience in a Chrome extension.
184 users
Facility for providing closed captions/subtitles related functions to online videos like Youtube.
183 users
Mewe Image Downloader
Download photos, Gifs and videos from <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> quickly and easily! Supported Groups, Pages and chat! Supported download in one click!
183 users
Audio Converter
Convert any audio file to selected formats (i.e. mp3) inside your browser!
183 users
Smart Drawing
Easy and fast drawing with smart drawing addon (uses Google AutoDraw)
183 users
Youtube Replay (YT-Replay Magic)
Replay Youtube Videos the Fastest way (Non Stop) with YT-Replay Magic. It comes with a Toolbar Button, and with ON/OFF Badges on top of the Button when Replaying Videos. The new Version includes also Video Thumbnails & Titles as Popup Notifications!
182 users
Ultrawidey provides an 21:9 aspect ratio to a lot of video streaming services, like Youtube and Netflix, it requires no button presses it fits your screen automatically. Please note that videos with a black border can be removed by pressing ‘Z’.
181 users