Add download links for <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> audio files.
160 users
This browser extension will converts various chord sites' song chords to its "degrees", also known as Nashville Numbers.
159 users
RYM Stats
Enhance your RateYourMusic experience with integration - view scrobble stats, recent tracks and top albums directly on RYM pages.
159 users
PDF Tools - Convert, Resize & Merge
Manipulate PDF documents via Ghostscript interpreter right in your browser.
159 users
Browser extension for easy copying of short clips and GIFs.
159 users
Youtube Video Effects
This is a must-have extension for YouTube. You can: choose and apply video filters/effects to YouTube player in real-time, auto HD, Adblock, infinity mode, remove black bars around video, etc. More detail here: <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>
158 users
Rumble video accelerator
Extension to speed up video in rumble
158 users
YouTube Ad Skipper
YouTube Ad Skipper is an extension that automatically skips ads when possible; it does not block ads.
157 users
Radio player
Popular Russian online radio stations player.
157 users
Remove YouTube™ Tab Number
Removes the number of notifications in parentheses that YouTube displays on tabs
157 users
Display big images in OpenSeadragon to enable zoom and pan.
156 users
Bookmark It
Bookmark It allows you to create awesome bookmarks/notes on your Youtube videos while showing you the best parts of videos. Want to give us recommendations or report something? Don't hesitate to contact me at
156 users
YouTube Popup Tamer
Watch YouTube without interruptions. 2 modes! - blocking and closing annoying popups, video ads and many more. It blocks all popups and video ads before they even show up - you won't even see any pause.
156 users
Cenafy for Firefox
1 in 50 chance of a new tab opening up the glory of John Cena
156 users
Various enhancements for YouTube
156 users
Netflix International
Displays all available Netflix audio tracks.
154 users
YouTube to MP3 Converter
Our YouTube to MP3 Converter allows you to convert your favorite YouTube videos to MP3 files, and download them for absolutely free.
154 users
YouTube Player AdBlocker
Prevents YouTube page, HTML5 player, and Flash player from displaying ads and banners
154 users
Display inline
Does not work everywhere Change the Content-Type and Content-Disposition headers to force images and pdf documents to open in the browser window.
154 users
Youtube Screenshot
Takes a screenshot of a youtube video on pressing Shift + A
154 users
Auto hide next up card for Amazon Prime Video
Hide next up card and other obtrusive elements of Amazon Prime Video.
153 users
Watch Later
Allows you to add any video to the list of "to watch" in easy way. Watch Later allows you to save title, link to the video and time when you stopped watching video. Supports autofill data for YouTube.
153 users
Video URL Extractor
Extract the video URL from the current page. For now works only for the following websites: - Allocine: <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> -- When accessing the teaser section of a movie.
153 users
C2MP3 - Online Video to MP3 Converter
Adds an option to convert <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> videos online to MP3, MP4 and more formats
153 users