Ultimate Spotify Search
Simplifies search on Spotify. Adds launchers on Youtube, Soundcloud, Bandcamp. Allows search using right-click. Shows results on either desktop app or web player. Thanks to @Skibit for their contribution
81 users
Video Speed And Volume With Mouse Wheel
Control video and audio playback speed and volume with the mouse wheel
81 users
Watch on Shikimori
The add-on adds the ability to watch and download anime on the <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/c7681f1974adc4aa8be1796caf71b0112a7230419ecacc9a62d28289daefcd09/http%3A//Shikimori.me" rel="nofollow">Shikimori.me</a> website.
81 users
Remove YouTube Shorts from <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/577585700e711c66b2f847e9c2ba66f07706960fe129e88008d23cb2a93a014c/http%3A//youtube.com" rel="nofollow">youtube.com</a>
81 users
Files explorer
Files explorer for the web accessible folders
81 users
Tecknity Cookies
With our extension you can easily edit the cookies of your browser specifically for Netflix and use cookies provided on our website in order to enjoy unlimited Netflix.
80 users
SoundCloud Player
SoundCloud Player
80 users
Converter App Image Converter Extension
Connects your Chrome browser with the converter API and allows you to convert web images to another format from the context menu.
80 users
Image by Type
Save images in various formats with ease. Right-click on any image to choose from PNG, JPG, GIF, or WEBP, and download it directly to your preferred location.
80 users
B Slow
Be slow. 上B站 (Bilibili) 看视频卡不卡? 让它轻一点卡。延时和错峰出行,道路千万条通畅安全第一条。(alpha, experimental) (这是一个仍在试验阶段的东西,不保证可靠性) Delay some of some websites' resources load , to prevent device being laggy.
80 users
YouTube Avatars Fix
Исправляет отображение аватарок на YouTube.
80 users
42FM allows you to listen to music on Twitch with synchronization between users that use this extension.
80 users
SoundCloud repost blocker
Removes reposted tracks in your SoundCloud stream
80 users
WebStream WebRTC Screen Capture
This extension allows WebStream WebRTC connections to use the screen as a video source.
80 users
Net Radio
Listen to Serbian radio stations over the internet stream directly in your browser. Slušajte radio stanice preko internet streama direktno u browseru.
79 users
Extract url from browser request with media file extension(s) to clipboard
79 users
YouTube Catify
Modify YouTube thumbnails to include Cats
79 users
YouTube Dislike Counter
Restores YouTube video dislike counts for both regular videos and shorts
79 users
TorBox Web Downloader
Download web links directly to TorBox
79 users
Always On Top for Video Tag
=============== Windows Only =============== You should see a icon in the address bar of your browser if there are any video tags on your page.
79 users
Return Youtube UI
An extension that returns the look of YouTube to before everything became rounded and circular. Preferences are available on the popup and you are free to fork it at <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/8b26e33299565161d202417e0970b0b0a1b519011ff6afa71f1c7bacd0762678/https%3A//github.com/42null/Return-YouTube-UI" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/42null/Return-YouTube-UI</a>.
79 users
VK scrobbler
Scrobble music from <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/fa3a308590ab771d6836775d60db2b2f5d13989e030af32cfcc2a5adb5d9f4d6/http%3A//vk.com">vk.com</a> to <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/bd075574ab1fdcffa6bebbf121d77f8cf16a1d477dbe38a9c477e0b94d46f4cc/http%3A//last.fm">last.fm</a>
79 users
Bandcamp Stock
A browser extension that tells you the number of remaining copies of a physical release on bandcamp. The remaining stock appears just below the album title and auto updaes without the need to reload the page.
79 users
Download History Cleaner (Eraser)
Quickly delete/wipe your browser download history for a defined period with one click
79 users
Set Audio Device Extension allows to change output device for HTML5 audio/video tags to the device other than default one. Extension requires media.setsinkid.enabled configuration option to be true Asks for mic access for every tab with audio
79 users