YoutubeAUDIO enables you to listen to Youtube without video content being downloaded or processed. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
68 users
68 users
AutoFullScreen for Pornhub
Tracks the fullscreen state of the current video and automaticaly turns following pornhub playlist videos to fullscreen
68 users
Edit this Image
Quick and easy access to online image editor tools.
68 users
Karamel: View Reddit comments on YouTube™
Step up your viewing experience by embedding relevant Reddit comments under YouTube videos.
68 users
YouTube Play Next
You can choose one of suggested videos to be played next automatically after correct video finishes. NOTE: YouTube has also introduced this feature on their website itself, don't forget to explore that too.
68 users
PNG Optimizer
Optimize PNG images and reduce the file size right in your browser!
68 users
Funimation Fullscreen
Persistent Fullscreen, Full Window, and Popup Modes for the Funimation webplayer.
68 users
67 users
Storiesig - Download Instagram Video, Photo, Reels, IGTV And Stories Even From Private Instagram Account
67 users
Lyricist - Lyrics for YouTube
Youtube lyric injector. Youtube Lyrics that just work. No hassles, no captions, just the lyrics. Wabbalabbadubdub
67 users
Captions Extractor
Extract caption text of vedio if it is a .srt file
67 users
YouTube Music Player
Easy control YouTube Music. With notification support and hotkey combinations
67 users
In danbooru page collect tags for diffusion prompt. danbooruのページで画像に付けられたタグをクリップボードに集めるアドオンです。 diffusionのプロンプトに使うタグを一括で取得することで、呪文探しを助けます。
67 users
Latest Fox News Videos
See the latest and most popular Fox News Video. View the Latest News Videos Daily. Free-to-watch videos daily in just 1-Click. Addon uses 3rd party site (<a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>) for operation.
67 users
Automatically mutes YouTube ads as soon as they appear. Skips ads within 1s of them appearing. Works on traditionally unskippable ads. Works with YouTube Music. Works on Firefox Android.
67 users
Remote Player for VLC™
Controls VLC player via toolbar popup UI
66 users
Reddit video link
On activation detects videos in Reddit page and provides a link to highest possible video quality.
66 users
TakeAscreen | Capture Screenshot and Screen Record
Enhance your content with TakeAscreen – the ultimate tool for capturing screenshots and screen recording. Take screenshots, capture screenshot moments, and dive into screen recording with ease.
66 users
Spotify Ad Auto-Muter
Automatically mute audio ads and skip subscription reminders.
66 users
YouTube untranslate
YouTube title untranslator
66 users
A browser extension that streamlines your Spotify listening experience.
66 users
Make 21:9 Netflix, YouTube, Amazon Prime & HTML5 video fill a 21:9 display, removing the double letterbox effect.
66 users
Study Mode: YouTube
Improve your YouTube study sessions - no more distractions!
66 users
66 users