Twitter Image-only Viewer
Adds a show-images-only button to Twitter profiles. Source code: <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>
54 users
Video Speed Controller(2022)
Speed up, slow down, advance and rewind HTML5 audio/video with shortcuts
54 users
Web VideoMark
Web VideoMark は動画配信サービス視聴時にビットレートや解像度、通信量、通信速度、途切れなく滑らかに再生されているかなど、動画再生と通信の品質情報を記録します。一部のサービスでは 1〜5 のスコアとして体感品質値を表示したり、解像度やビットレートの上限を設定して通信量を節約したり、ネットワーク帯域確保のため混雑時間帯に自動で画質調整する機能も備えています。
54 users
Better View Image
A sensible, configurable, no-nonsense image viewer. Controls: * Right+Left click any image to activate the viewer. * Mousewheel to zoom. * Left mouse drag to pan. * Middle click to switch scaling modes. See options page for configuration.
54 users
This extension will get you rid of the "Video paused. Continue watching?" confirmation in Youtube and keeps it running nonstop without autoplay message!
54 users
Avoid haram images & videos on the Internet.
54 users
Handbrake - video converter
Convert videos from nearly any format to a selection of modern, widely supported codecs.
54 users
Jut.Su Plus
Extension for auto-skiping opening and auto-switch to the next episode on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
54 users
Local File Explorer
Local File Explorer is an addon to bring a file explorer experience to your browser. You can browse your files and folder easily.
53 users
Apple TV Speed Controller
Enables you to change Apple TV+ playback speed. Press Period/Comma to Increase/Decrease. On speed change, the overlay will be toggled showing your changed speed.
53 users
Remove Ads on Youtube
Remove Ads on Youtube, you need to go to Youtube homepage first, then search the programs you want.
53 users
chibisafe Uploader
Uploader for chibisafe.
53 users
Watch videos from video sharing websites with extra options.
53 users
TikVD - TikTok Video Downloader (No Watermark)
Download videos and sounds from TikTok quickly without the watermark.
53 users
detektIIIF2 is a Firefox Add-on that automatically detects IIIF resources (<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>) in web pages and offers users a convenient way to collect and reuse them. detektIIIF2 is considered to be in beta state and licensed under the GPL V3.
53 users
斑斓采集工具 全网素材,一键采集。随手采集你喜欢的设计素材,让设计更便捷。轻松图片整理分类,随取随用;PC端和App无缝切换,查看收藏图片素材找灵感;跨各大素材网站,直接收藏,不受限制;打造中国版家居设计领域的Pinterest,高效完成设计项目,让好设计完美落地。
53 users
ssstik - TikTok Downloader
ssstik - TikTok Video Downloader is a powerful and convenient tool that allows users to download their favorite TikTok videos directly from their browser.
53 users
Adds a tooltip containing title, duration, published date, and channel when hovering over a youtube link.
53 users
Artstation Plus
Adding new features to Artstation
53 users
Speichert Filme aus den ARD, ZDF, 3SAT oder Arte Mediatheken in 'MyMediathek' und ermöglicht das Abspielen über in 'MyMediathek' konfigurierte Player (z.B. Fernseher)
52 users
Video Snapshot
Capture a snapshot of video.
52 users
Download YouTube Videos and convert them to mp3 or mp4 without relying on any website. You need the companion App for your PC. You can get it from <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
52 users
YaMusic control panel
Provides simple control panel for Yandex Music
52 users
Pinterest (Pin Tab)
Switch to Pinterest (Pin Tab) with a single click or a Hot Key (Alt+P)!
52 users
YouTube No Annotations
Prevents YouTube HTML5 and Flash players from auto-enabling annotations
52 users