rimgo (Farside)
Use rimgo instead of Imgur.
46 users
Play All
Play all of a YouTube page's videos in one page
46 users
Surf Without Login for Google
Remove login in box automatically that forces you to login. And surf Google without login
46 users
YouTube Avatar Fix
Скрипт, который заменяет сервер для аватарок, который доступен в Youtube.
46 users
YouTube Screenshoter
Take screenshots from YouTube video
46 users
SpotifyTree is an extension that provides full access to playlists and saved albums in a tree view and controls the Spotify Web Player through a quick and easy popup player.
45 users
'View Image' Button
Restores the 'View Images' button when browsing images on Google Images.
45 users
当华工的学堂在线 (<a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/10db0c3fb329408a677c7b1d568a9fb7d44f864419dd61a228b3c34a2dd9c6ad/https%3A//scutspoc.xuetangx.com" rel="nofollow">https://scutspoc.xuetangx.com</a>)发现您离开该网页干其他事时,正在播放的视频会被暂停,此插件可保证您的视频在播放结束之前永远不会停下来,从而可以一边挂着网页一边干其他事,甚至可以打开多个网页同时刷。 已知bug: 1、点开视频后必须手动按开始(可能和浏览器设置有关) 2、刚开始编写此插件时视频播放完后会自动暂停,并在标题显示“看完啦”信息,但目前有时会出现播完不暂停,继续从头播的现象 (用完麻烦顺手打个分评个论让我知道有活人在用TAT
45 users
RateFlix Plus
Show IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, Kinopoisk, Kinorium, TMDB, Metacritic and Filmweb ratings on Netflix™
45 users
Twitch Comfortable Pause
Enables pausing with the spacebar even after pressing the full-screen button or something in Twitch. It also enables pausing by clicking on the screen.
45 users
Video Frame extractor
This extension will try extracting any video's frame as a full image, no overlays, no screenshots.
45 users
Send almost every stream from Firefox to Kodi with SendToKodi
45 users
search features image search through keywords like hashtags, etc. The purpose is to facilitate image search. Click on the add-on icon for its action.
45 users
YouTube™ Livestream Mode
YouTube™ Livestream Mode - ENHANCE and SPEED UP for the your viewing YouTube live stream (Football, Game, ...) for slow internet connection.
45 users
Anti Spoiler for Videos
Hide the time and video lengths. Hide The progress bar and total duration of the video. Extension works on: YouTube, Netflix & AfreecaTV
45 users
Adds volume control to instagram videos cuz ears hurty.
45 users
Send to DUNE
Sends YouTube, Rutube and other links to DUNE for playback Отправляет YouTube, Rutube и др. ссылки на DUNE-HD. Contribution/Поддержать add-on. WebMoney: Z106428837866 E536764172541 R161459958004 U265097888333 YandexMoney: 410013615273570
45 users
44 users
Booru Extractor 3
Add-on for automatic extraction of images from image page of booru-like and other galleries. Currently Gelbooru, Danbooru, Safebooru, <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/7f8578ff8a82e212d0907c428ae0dd1645262c4c9ddcd6d3483a32a635cd4e85/http%3A//Booru.org">Booru.org</a>, <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/055a86f4a02e4b73ded2570d98c2ec164136c0dfd02bf354f5d1a2e20d8f638c/http%3A//e-hentai.org">e-hentai.org</a>, Flickr, Sankakucomplex is supported.
44 users
waView, Beyond the web
Fast, offline image viewer built with WebAssembly technology. You can open 100 image formats including JPG, PNG, TIFF, JXR, RAW.
44 users
Surround Sound
A standalone extension that adds surround sound to your media.
44 users
G-vidio is a tool for retrieving streaming data from google drive
44 users
Right click and save, and remove the background all in one step.
44 users
YTVolume Normalizer
Normalize the volume of YouTube videos. Currently only supports embedded players. We plan to support normal players in the future.
44 users
youtubeからサムネイル画像を落とすソフトです。 Firefoxでyoutubeの動画ページを開いて、 ツールバーのアイコンをクリック。クリックすると 1280x720、640x480、480x360の画像がダウンロードされます。
44 users