SEQTA Vanced
An advanced and powerful extension that provides dark-mode and custom themes for SEQTA.
3 utenti
Maziaj everywhere
Dodaje Maziaj do prawie każdej strony
3 utenti
Wikipedia and Hacker News Dark
Enhance your browsing experience with a sleek night theme for Wikipedia and Hacker News. Enjoy a visually comfortable and eye-friendly interface designed for late-night reading.
3 utenti
Lügat - Yeni Sekme Sözlüğü
Lügat, açtığınız her yeni sekmede bir atasözü, deyim veya kelimeyle birlikte anlamını vererek kelime dağarcığınızı geliştirir.
3 utenti
changes all forms of "delete" to a corresponding form of "YEET" on webpages
3 utenti
KybernaIS Made Better
Vylepšuje a zpříjemňuje uživatelské prostředí informačního systému KybernaIS
3 utenti
Nice GCA
A nicer way to read Golf Club Atlas's Discussion Section. The extension rearranges much of the archaic HTML on the discussion forum, and adds some functionality to hide and expand lesser-used options on the discussion forum.
3 utenti
Show Pocket Button
Show a pocket button and a close tab button on each active tab to save the web page.
3 utenti
If you can't make what you want to do easy, make the things you shouldn't do hard!
3 utenti
HN Comment Embiggen
Emphasizes comment count on Hacker News posts.
3 utenti
Ekstensi untuk Program Karya Mebantu Perangkat Karya dalam menggunakan SAPA
3 utenti
Dieses Add-on ermöglicht es Ihnen, die Unterseiten von mit einem Klick zu öffnen. Sie können schnell und einfach Briefe, E-Mails, Faxe und mehr erstellen und versenden.
3 utenti
Hides downvotes in Disqus. Not associated with or endorsed by Disqus.
3 utenti
Recipe Checkbox
Adds checkboxes to selected websites with recipes & more
3 utenti
Daily Tab
Automatically opens tabs at a given time every day.
3 utenti
Disable the Selection API
(partially) disable the Selection API from a content script via exportFunction()
3 utenti
Improvements for
3 utenti
Dodaje użyteczne funkcje do czytnika WolneLektury
3 utenti
Entfernt die Anzeigen von Studentenverbindungen auf aus den Suchanzeigen damit du nur die relevanten Anzeigen siehst.
2 utenti
YT Unhook - Remove YouTube Distractions
YT Unhook: Block distractions on YouTube, removing Shorts and side-suggestions for a clean, focused viewing experience.
2 utenti
Show Close Tab Button
Show a close button on each active tab to close it.
2 utenti
Removes shorts suggestions shelf on Youtube, redirects when watching a short
2 utenti
YouTube buzzyify
Modify YouTube thumbnails to include buzzy
2 utenti
Bar Charts for HN Polls
Generates a bar chart for Hacker News polls.
2 utenti
Relógio HD
Uma nova página de guia em formato de relógio com horário e data.
2 utenti