HostingBy.Design bandwidth calculator
Calculates how much bandwidth per day is left on your server hosted on HostingByDesign provider.
2 utenti
2 utenti
Транслітерує український текст з кирилиці на латиницю
2 utenti
Merdella Auto Correct
Ce qui se passe à Tolbiac reste à Tolbiac, ou pas
2 utenti
Hide users on
Hide users you don't want to see on
2 utenti
Timestampify Zendesk
Timestampify adiciona data e hora local na lista de conversas dos tickets da Zendesk. É para quem odeia datas relativas ("X dias", "Y horas"). Testado com sucesso nos tickets da VS DATA.
2 utenti
Numérique, pas digital
« On dit numérique, pas digital, %#$@ù ! » – Un add-on qui remplace toute occurrence de "digital" par "numérique"
2 utenti
Right-aligns the ChatGPT and DEEPSEEK page for Persian users.
2 utenti
Kick Image Embedder
Embeds image links sent in chat
2 utenti
Epic Zeit
Epic way to sync timezones among colleagues, friends, and family across the globe.
2 utenti
Undistracted YouTube
A browser extension to enhance your YouTube experience by blocking distractions. To support your experience you can earn points and buy items at great discounts from our shop!
2 utenti
Millionbook Font Size Changer
An Firefox for Android compatible webextension that adds a button to toggle between font sizes on the website.
2 utenti
The comfortable maid in the UI view
2 utenti
DarkGalaxy Plus
A suite of modules that enhance your DarkGalaxy browsing experience.
2 utenti
BSL Stats Padder
Add-on to make box-scores of BSL more readable
2 utenti
Die Browsererweiterung noWKplus ermöglicht die Anzeige von WK+ Inhalten auf der Webseite des Weser-Kurier.
2 utenti
USD to BDT in AdSense
View Google AdSense Earnings in Bangladeshi Taka (BDT)
2 utenti
LiveRune (Elder Futhark)
Automatically transliterates web pages into Elder Futhark runes, preserving the look and feel of the original content.
2 utenti
OldRedditMe Public
Forwards you to old reddit if it sees the new
2 utenti
Нотатки до лотів на
Дозволяє додавати нотатки до лотів на сайті аукціоні
2 utenti
Image Injector
Injects images into the body of websites.
2 utenti
Add a tint effect to a webpage to make it better.
2 utenti
YouTube Chickenificator
Replaces the YouTube logo with LaminatedChicken's custom one.
2 utenti
OpenProject wiki collapser
Automatically collapses all wiki-sidemenu topics of Open project.
2 utenti
screenshots - from the screen, straight to your clipboard.
2 utenti