Check iframe
Firefox add-on that indicates if the current web page uses iframe and frame tags. Icon: -Gray: not checked. -Green: no tags. -Orange: tags. -Purple: source list matches. The add-on can scroll and redirect to the tag elements.
133 utenti
Black Menu for Wikipedia
Easy access to the Wikipedia Universe
131 utenti
Amazon Vine Ultraviner
Optimize ordering and reviewing experience for Amazon Vine Users.
127 utenti
BlueSky Color Pallet Swapper
Browser extention that allows swapping colors on for creating personalized color themes.
122 utenti
Makes great again
120 utenti
117 utenti
Ink for Google™
Get your favorite Google sites a new coat of paint. Update their look with Material Design
116 utenti
Fairy Ring
A browser extension for Available on Firefox Android Customizable! Easily change and configure settings to suite you. Pick your own colors, set your own messages, enhance your experience! Settings synced across devices.
102 utenti
Script Runner
Script injector for JavaScript and CSS!
102 utenti
[ALPHA VERSION/RELEASE] Neglect the certain features used by youtube and vimeo that prevent play videos in background released to MOZ vault to adapt the workflow of new releases in the store.
99 utenti
Hide Ratings (IMDB, Goodreads, ...)
Hides the rating bars from IMDB, Goodreads, MyAnimeList and Letterboxd. It also provides a separate toggle option for IMDB, Goodreads, MyAnimeList and Letterboxd, so you can always turn it on/off for the preferred site
98 utenti
Youtube Times
Replaces the undescriptive youtube time on recommended with the exact absolute time of release.
95 utenti
Text reflow on zoom (text wrap)
Fits all text to the screen width after a pinch gesture on phone
94 utenti
Fallen London Favourites 1899
A new and updated version of the Fallen London Favourites addon for use with the online game, Fallen London. Enable/disable specific storylets and cards to prevent misclicks! Forked from gasovn (in turn forked from kav2k)
92 utenti
YouTube Avatars Fix
Исправляет отображение аватарок на YouTube.
92 utenti
Font Size Decrease
Riduci la dimensione del carattere su qualsiasi pagina web con un clic.
91 utenti
PHP Revival
Open source extension that changes styles on website with many other fixes for better experience of using documentation. Extension adds the dark theme to php code examples and changes its color schemes
90 utenti
Lichess Custom Themes, Boards - LichessHelper
Secure | 2025 | Setup new themes, pieces, fonts, and boards, remove annoying notifications, popups, and so on.
89 utenti
Salva una pagina completa in un singolo file HTML
87 utenti
Restore Google Search Maps Integration
A simple extension that will restore the Google Search Maps integration that was removed after EU Digital Markets Act.
87 utenti
85 utenti
opgg plugin for primeleague
This is a small tool, that adds links to opgg multisearch for the lineups and team pages for primeleague
84 utenti
USOS średnia
Rozszerzenie liczące średnią w USOSie. W przypadku poprawki liczy średnią z dwóch ocen. Można za pomocą checkboxów uwzględniać ocenę w średniej. Obecnie przetestowany na USOSie UW.
83 utenti
Automatically mutes YouTube ads as soon as they appear. Skips ads within 1s of them appearing. Works on traditionally unskippable ads. Works with YouTube Music. Works on Firefox Android.
80 utenti
StackOverflow dark theme
Dark theme without being logged in and other optional improvements
77 utenti