Heise Single Page
Zeigt Newsartikel auf Heise auf einer Seite an, öffnet die Threadanzeige im Forum und macht heise+ Artikel sichtbarer.
30 utenti
Delete Shorts From YT Feed
On scroll, this extension removes the youtube shorts elements from Youtube.
30 utenti
Better Text View
Makes website text larger and readable.
29 utenti
Paced Extension
This extension allows you to get your actual Pace level and display on the main profile intra page. V3 of the intranet is obligatory.
28 utenti
SwiftDial Launcher
Riporta la libertà di lanciare la tua homepage preferita anche su browser mobili testardi.
25 utenti
Inoreader Old Layout Fix
An unofficial extension that fixes the layout issue in the old design of the Inoreader website. Note: The new beta design of Inoreader resolves this issue, so the add-on is no longer needed for users on the updated design.
24 utenti
No-Reload: Keep Tabs Alive
Stop tabs from reloading automatically! Keep your open tabs alive and enjoy uninterrupted browsing on Firefox for Android.
23 utenti
FL Favourites 1899 - Classic
Original Colour Scheme! A new and updated version of the Fallen London Favourites addon for use with the online game, Fallen London. Enable/disable specific storylets and cards to prevent misclicks! Forked from gasovn (in turn forked from kav2k)
22 utenti
Undistracted Me
This extension replaces your new tabs with a distraction free nepali date.
21 utenti
Красный ВСоюзе
CSS-тема для ВКонтакте
20 utenti
ChatGPT Diagram Renderer
Renders Diagrams, Chats, Mindmaps and other formats directly in the ChatGPT Webinterface, using the kroki.io API
20 utenti
Page up and down buttons for e-ink
Adds page up and down buttons on all sites. They are useful on low refresh rate devices such as e-ink tablets to reduce lagging.
20 utenti
Mudcat Browser Tools
Adds features to Mudcat pages. 1 Italicises threads posted to since last visit. 2 Scrolls thread to first new post. 3 Persists user name and selects preview. 4 Adds quoting and linking buttons. 5 Saves and recovers text in case of failure.
19 utenti
DnD Beyond Kit
Translate, add common metrics, and add new features to your D&D Beyond pages.
19 utenti
Go Up
This browser extension jumps to the upper directories of the current URL
19 utenti
no ads
removes ads from youtube by deleting elements and skipping ads (every .5s) and logs when it does this
19 utenti
Insecure Links Highlighter
Highlight insecure links such as ‘http://example.org’. Useful for web development and as a very basic heuristic for site security.
18 utenti
Azure Tab Icons
Automatic browser tab icons for Azure
18 utenti
D&D Beyond Campaign DM Screen
An extension that turn the D&D Beyond Campaign screen into a handy DM screen
17 utenti
Meta No User-Scalable
Adds the meta viewport tag only to sites that don't have it, and disables user scalable for all sites.
16 utenti
freaky fox
This extension sets every font on every webpage to papyrus aka freaky font.
15 utenti
Ponify Reharmonized
Ponify Reharmonized is a tool for replacing all human words with a ponified variations. Thank you, Ben Ashton.
15 utenti
scroll style
Like android's scroll bars. 像android的滚动条。Forked from onlywsx's extension. 移植自onlywsx的原chrome扩展。
15 utenti
Youtube Shorts Blocker
A simple Addon that blocks Youtube shorts so you can spend your time more productive.
14 utenti
LM Website Font Changer
Changes the font of the Lm2606 website to Nunito Sans - mainly published for personal use, however free to use for all.
14 utenti