Recensioni per Keeper® Gestione Password
Keeper® Gestione Password di Keeper Security Inc.
40 recensioni
- Valutata 2 su 5di Utente Firefox 18539890, 7 mesi faPassword managers walk a fine line between helping you login quickly and being the most annoying thing possible.
This one is the latter. It constantly autofills when I don't want it to, does'nt autofill when I want it to.
Copying and pasting passwords from the vault is tedious. - Valutata 2 su 5di Manuel Kolm, un anno faGenerally quite ok, but this plugin feels quite buggy at times. For example, it is not possible to open the clipboard manager when password inputs are focused. The huge icon in input fields is also quite annoying.
- Valutata 2 su 5di evolusian, un anno faWhen it works, it works well. However, it has two major problems:
1. Frequently just stops auto-filling entirely (only on Firefox, I have not noticed this problem in Chrome). No idea why. The extension is active and I am logged in. Sometimes restarting Firefox fixes it, sometimes not. If you contact support, they say "reinstall the extension, reset your browser to factory settings, etc." Sorry but those are not acceptable solutions.
2. The sync between devices seems either broken or much slower than it should be. If I add a password on my phone and then check in this browser extension, the new password is nowhere to be found BUT if I log out and log back in, it appears. Infuriating. - Valutata 2 su 5di Utente Firefox 18027247, 2 anni faThe extension worked great, but now it loops after the attempt to login with SSO and does redirect, causing an infinite load
- Valutata 2 su 5di Joel, 2 anni fa
- Valutata 2 su 5di Utente Firefox 17917414, 2 anni faSlows down web pages, especially Github. Auto-submit still doesn't seem to actually do anything.
- Valutata 2 su 5di Utente Firefox 17912388, 2 anni fa
- Valutata 2 su 5di Utente Firefox 17908142, 2 anni faActually, when this works, it is quite good, however there is a conflict with the Simple Tab Groups extension, and both it, and STG run very slowly. As you go into old tabs, open new windows/tabs etc whatever is going wrong seems to force STG to restart/reload??. Since STG is very essential to my work flow, Keeper had to go.
- Valutata 2 su 5di MiketheChap, 2 anni faSlow and nearly useless on Firefox/Ubuntu. It takes forever to load, it it loads at all. It's not great on my Mac either.
- Valutata 2 su 5di akrieger, 2 anni faTechnically can work, but frequently either bugs out (clicking the button doesn't open a window at all), and really slows the browser down. Had issues where tabs or network requests would hang for 10-30s at a time, and couldn't figure out where the slowdown was coming from. Finally profiled Firefox enough to see lots of 'jank' in the WebExtensions process, so I just tried disabling Keeper and boom, problems resolved.
- Valutata 2 su 5di Luca Ferrario, 2 anni faKeeper works very well, but this plugin unfortunately is buggy. Often it's unable to fill-in the proper inputs, and it's laggy too
- Valutata 2 su 5di Bobby, 2 anni faNo bio-metric support for the browser extension. YEARS behind 1Password, Bitwarden, Enpass, etc.
- Valutata 2 su 5di Utente Firefox 17490778, 3 anni fa
- Valutata 2 su 5di S1lenceIsG0ldEn, 3 anni faMay 26 '22 UPDATE: On the plus side: my PC doesn't freeze anymore. So, the extremely bad outcome from the March update has been changed back to just an unusable state again, like it was before that update. Same procedure as last time: was jubilant at the prospect of an update - applied it, it worked for about 3 hours (yay!), then the dreaded conflict with Google docs + mail appeared again: they go offline and keep trying to reconnect. Who knows why. (Really: who knows??) I have to use G for work; it's sadly not a choice, as I despise the company and its products. Oh irony: this add-on works together perfectly with GDocs + GMail in a Chromium browser.
UPDATE: My hopes that the recent, March '22, update would fix things have sadly turned out to be utterly wrong. It has gotten worse. I reproduced it now **4** times, all with the same outcome: now, instead of only Google docs getting extreeeeemmmly slow and constantly dis- + re-connecting my system absolutely freezes. As in nothing works anymore, I can't even get to Alt+F2 xkill and have to push my PC's reboot button.
On the plus side: as soon as I turn the add-on off again, it feels like I have a super-speedy, new PC!
When it works, it's great! I need it for work, but sadly, updates during the past year started to conflict with Google Docs. For my work, I need to have several google docs open at the same time -- and whenever this add-on is enabled, those are in a constant "(trying to) re-connect" loop. And my CPU usage is through the roof (showing that an add-on is using significant resources, not a webpage, so for once it's not Google's fault. For the record: I hate Google docs with it's insatiable hunger for RAM!) I only realized after extensive trial and error that it's this add-on's fault. As soon as I turn it off, everything works fine again. Every update gives me hope, only to be squashed again after a few minutes of working fine.
I'm on latest Firefox ESR, Linux Mint 19.3. - Valutata 2 su 5di tsukkee-stmk, 3 anni faThis addon makes other addons which provide another tab view on sidebar, for examples Tree Style Tab, Sidebery, Tree Tabs etc. very SLOW. When I disabled it (without uninstall), the other addons works much faster. I assume that the addon handle some tab related event and do some heavy task on it. I hope they improve this behavior. If it won't hinder other addons, it would be so useful for me. Thank you.
- Valutata 2 su 5di Utente Firefox 17158325, 3 anni faIst OK jedoch muss man alle paar Minuten das Passwort wieder eingeben. Das stress mega. Solang ich am Rechner bin, soll der eingelogt bleiben. Über die Desktop App kann man nicht direkt zugreifen und muss sich auch wieder einlogen.
- Valutata 2 su 5di Utente Firefox 17032462, 3 anni faA recent update introduced a nagging screen when you're not logged in ("Please login by clicking the icon in the toolbar"). I don't want to login every time, I only want to login when I need to use it!
- Valutata 2 su 5di Reza, 4 anni faThe UI is very primitive. It doesn't even ask which folder it should save the password in!
- Valutata 2 su 5di Ariane Bouchard, 4 anni faConsistent with the rest of the Keeper experience. "It works, but..." is the best way I can describe it.
User experience is pretty terrible. It works with little icons in the text fields, but the pop-up that tells you to log in comes from the extension icon. Click the extension icon, however, and you're greeted by... settings. No logins there. Why they didn't just simplify everyone's life by putting everything into the icon is beyond me.
But logging in TO KEEPER happens in the icon. So logging into a site often requires you to juggle between the icon in the top right and the icons on the fields. That's assuming the icons work though, because leaving your browser unattended for a long time could cause it all to stop working and require a browser restart.
They recently changed the interface. Now you've got to click a couple more times, because they put the email address, password and 2FA on different pages. Terrible idea.
Logging into the extension and the app are entirely different processes. You need to log into both separately. The app has Windows Hello, but the extension doesn't.
The extension settings' interface is just plain weird, with green-on-blue dots indicating things that are turned on (accessibility anyone?), yet those "toggles" don't really do anything. They bring you to another page where you can check the setting. Why?
Also the desktop app by default adds global keyboard shortcuts that could very well break functionality in other programs.
And with today's update (early May 2021), they broke the thing completely. Can't type my password beyond a few characters, and even if I paste my password in, can't log in. Normally I'm pretty tolerant of bugs, but from a product that feels unpolished all around, it's harder to forgive.
Having tried LastPass (not great but still better than Keeper), 1Password (great on Mac at least; didn't try other platforms) and Bitwarden (great on most platforms; slight issues on Android), Keeper is the worst password manager yet. It just doesn't feel polished. I'm regretful that my employer picked this one. - Valutata 2 su 5di Utente Firefox 14360881, 4 anni fa
- Valutata 2 su 5di lsegafre, 5 anni faIt was working perfectly but in last last few days the Keeper session is dropped after few minutes forcing me to log in every 15 or 20 minutes.
I have the same problem in Firefox and Chrome, both on the latest update - Valutata 2 su 5di Antunes, 5 anni faThe addon works, but it steel keep high CPU usage.
When i check on "about:performance", Keeper Addons has most energy impact on Firefox - Valutata 2 su 5di Amer6693, 5 anni faThey're not very transparent about when your free version is going to end.
- Valutata 2 su 5di JD, 5 anni faI've been using Keeper for a long time. The new interface is great but this new release is full of bugs and usable. This is seriously concerning given the fact that the one job the extension has of filling in passwords is no longer possible. This should be pulled from production, fixed, actually tested, and re-released.