YT Unhook - Remove YouTube Distractions
YT Unhook: Block distractions on YouTube, removing Shorts and side-suggestions for a clean, focused viewing experience.
27 utenti
Page to Popup
See your desired website (mobile view) in the toolbar Panel
27 utenti
Twitch Chat Extension
A Twitch extension that enhances the chat experience with custom emotes, badges and backgrounds.
27 utenti
Tab Sessions
Saves any number of tab sessions to use for later. Just open the menu, press "Save Current Session" and it saves the session on your current window!
27 utenti extension
Расширение, которое вносит изменения в дизайн сайта <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>.
27 utenti
Close Window Button
Toolbar button to close current window
27 utenti
Recherche Amazon France
Le widget de recherche vous permet d'intégrer un champ de recherche sur votre navigateur mobile ou de bureau et pour rechercher le texte sélectionné sur Amazon
27 utenti
NZHerald Paywall Unblocker
Reveals hidden content in premium-restricted NZ-Herald articles
27 utenti
President Florida Man Extension
Trump has changed his permanent residence to Florida so we made a browser extension that changes 'Trump' to 'Florida Man'
27 utenti
Black Private Windows
Windows in private mode have a black/grey theme.
27 utenti
Extended Link Copy
This extension gets parts of the href with regex and copys them to clipboard
27 utenti
CopyToClip is allow user to copy codes snippets from Stackoverflow.
27 utenti
Switches between dark and light theme with a single click.
27 utenti
The button redirects from kinopoisk to free videoplayer
27 utenti
Drag-able Full-Screen Button
Double click a drag-able button to enter and exit full-screen mode. The new version also has an options page to set the location of the dot around four corners of the screen.
27 utenti
ECSBAS Bookmark Checker
Access ECSBAS (<a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>) bookmarks. Use shortcut (CTRL-Y by default) or click 3 times to add/check the active page. HTML can be saved as local archive, and compared with any future version when it's checked again.
27 utenti
NASA Acronyms
Select a NASA or NASA-related acronym to expand it.
27 utenti
ウェブページをユリアーモに翻訳します。 「ユリアーモ」はアドベンチャーゲーム「ことのはアムリラート」に登場する、エスペラント語をベースとした人工言語です。 この拡張機能は Google 翻訳のエスペラント語翻訳を利用して、好きなウェブページをユリアーモに翻訳します。
27 utenti
LaTeX in Discord
Render LaTeX in Discord chat.
27 utenti
Hyperocto - Smart helper for opening links
Find Similar links and open them concurrently
27 utenti
F1TV Tweaks
Adds useful tools to add to the usability of the F1TV streaming page.
27 utenti
Disables anti-features from Reddit's mobile site
27 utenti
Ogarnia układ planu zajęć Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie w systemie Syjon. Dodaje opcje poprawiające czytelność.
27 utenti
View Link as Text
View links as if their Content-Type was text/plain. Right-click on a link and select “View Link as Text”.
27 utenti
Edge Touch Pager
Scroll through web pages by touching the edges of the screen -- ideal for ereaders, tablets and phones.
27 utenti