Unofficial Metafilter web extension to show deleted posts.
26 utenti
Show and Copy Image Properties
You can see the properties of the image and copy them to the clipboard easily.
26 utenti
Смотрелка SimplyWall.ST
Дополнение создано владельцем сайта <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> в развлекательных целях. Ответственности автор не несёт. Вообще никакой.
26 utenti
Stackoverflow HNQ Blocker
Blocks the Hot Network Questions panel on Stackoverflow.
26 utenti
Codext harnesses the power of the Monaco Editor by dynamically inserting it into code webpages and enables standard editor features such as syntax highlighting, section folding, advanced editing and code formatting.
25 utenti
The Peace pointer
Changes cursor to a peace sign A plugin that makes your courser into a peace sign. Help make the web a more peaceful place. Made by John E. Njoki and Kim Follesøy-Thuen With help from Yonas Sandbæk <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>
25 utenti
Text to Image
Easily convert text to image with a custom background image.
25 utenti
Προβλήθηκε για
Δες αν έχεις επισκεφτεί ξανά κάποιο προϊόν στο παρελθόν, στο <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
25 utenti
Nyaman Tanpa Iklan
Nyaman baca berita Kompas tanpa terganggu iklan yang menutupi 90% konten
25 utenti
Hide Activity Details (+ Tweaks) for Trello
Hides all the activity entries on Trello cards. Optionally hides completed checklist items too.
25 utenti
AdFree Gmail
Removes all annoying ads and banners from Gmail (also supports new Gmail UI)
25 utenti
Hide Google Search Favicons
Hide favicons from your Google Search results! Less cluttered, less painful.
25 utenti
Myanimelist Redesign
A redesigned user interface for <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
25 utenti
Better Trello
Better Trello is a browser extension that enhances the Trello experience.
25 utenti
An Add-on for making the default Crunchyroll player larger. Also adds an optional dark theme.
25 utenti
A dynamic theme based on weather data from OpenWeatherMap.
25 utenti
Tab Group Window
Manage tabs as a groups (window).
25 utenti
Codeforces extension to display a daily question for each user in each rating group
25 utenti
GitHub Default Tab Size
Make tab indented code more readable by allowing you to set a default tab size
25 utenti
OpenID helper
The OpenID helper enables you to login to a website without a single click. Configure your own OpenID url and automatically login to any service that supports OpenID.
25 utenti
New Tab about:blank
Replaces the New Tab page with a completely empty about:blank page.
25 utenti
Zoom Plugin
This WebExtension provides a shortcut popup to finely zoom in/out
25 utenti
DeRound YouTube
gimmie dose sweet sexy 90° angles
25 utenti
Google Drive Percentage
Displays zipping progress in percentage when downloading stuff from Google Drive
25 utenti
On extension click, any element with 'position: fixed' is removed from the page. I grew tired of news websites cluttering up the page with frozen headers and share buttons.
25 utenti