Trello Card Title Hyperlinks
Adds hyperlinks to trello card titles
23 utenti
Front End Framework
This is a framework for Web Extensions, so you can deploy one quickly without any frond-end work
23 utenti
Unicode Smiley
Extension pour afficher les codes Unicode des smileys Unicode.
23 utenti
Download UI
Provide user a better download user interface.
23 utenti
Karaktersnitt for Studentweb
Regner automatisk ut karaktersnitt på Studentweb for blant annet NTNU.
23 utenti
Force 24-Hour Time Format EVERYWHERE
Displays time as 24-Hour instead of confusing 12 hour am/pm. There is 500ms delay before fixing website again. Perfect for social media apps.
23 utenti
ChatGPT Diagram Renderer
Renders Diagrams, Chats, Mindmaps and other formats directly in the ChatGPT Webinterface, using the <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> API
23 utenti
Block Taboola Ads on <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>
23 utenti
Adds keyboard-navigation to google-search-results. You can navigate through the results of the google search via Alt+Arrow keys and jump back to search-bar or vice versa by the same key strokes.
23 utenti
Block Youtube Recommendations
Youtube, block suggestions at the end of the video.
23 utenti
Makes whatsapp web fullscreen.
23 utenti
Paced Extension
This extension allows you to get your actual Pace level and display on the main profile intra page. V3 of the intranet is obligatory.
23 utenti
Block Facebook Trends
Dislike the Facebook Trends block on the right hand side. They don't let you disable it, so this extension lets you block it out.…
23 utenti
BFA (BetterFurAffinity)
Improves FurAffinity experience by making slight tweaks to the website.
23 utenti
Generate Links for Headers
Automatically generates links for all headers on the page, to make it easier to share specific sections of the page.
23 utenti
GitHub: Better Line Counts
Remove generated files from the total line counts on GitHub PRs
23 utenti
Search & Destroy for Amazon, Etsy and Ebay!
Extension to remember items you've already while searching + keyboard navigation (through items lists and pages)!
23 utenti
Automatic Unit Converter
Automatically converts different (American) units to their SI/Europian counterparts
23 utenti
Movies and Vegetables
🎥 IMDb <= Rotten Tomatoes 🍅 You can see RottenTomatoes ratings on IMDb.
23 utenti - "Next" Enable + No Timeout
Learn everything at your own speed, all while keeping in mind that your time is valuable. This extension simply disables the timer and shows the button to continue to the next slide. Use with regard to all effective policies.
23 utenti
Price rounder for Amazon
Rounds up prices ending with .99 on Amazon.
23 utenti
FL Favourites 1899 - Classic
Original Colour Scheme! A new and updated version of the Fallen London Favourites addon for use with the online game, Fallen London. Enable/disable specific storylets and cards to prevent misclicks! Forked from gasovn (in turn forked from kav2k)
23 utenti
Block Images (WebExtensions)
Block Images add-on.
23 utenti
Rewrite //m.* links on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
23 utenti
Security Tweaks
Improve your security and browse safer with seven tweaks.
23 utenti