Change the color of visited link with the color of your choice
413 utenti
Grayscale Bro
A minimal Firefox extension for monochrome browsing. Supports dark theme and grayscale only on selected hostnames. [Notice: Doesn't work at mozilla pages]
412 utenti
Extra sounds
Extra sounds for your Firefox (Navigation, downloads, and more)
411 utenti
IMDb Plus
User-defined Enhancements for IMDb
411 utenti
Button for opening home page of any current site, with menu with parent URLs, items for opening in private window, copying titles and URLs, forgetting site or page, etc.
410 utenti
Lettere accentate
Permette di copiare con un singolo clic una lettera accentata, tra quelle mostrate.
409 utenti
Email Notifier
A lite notifier that works with Gmail™, Yahoo, Live, iCloud, and GMX
408 utenti
La note SensCritique est une boussole pour arrêter de perdre votre temps, et s’invite sur Netflix, Prime Video et Disney+ pour vous permettre de choisir de manière éclairée vos programmes.
408 utenti
Draws a grid on top of a website.Highly Customizable. useful for checking designs that are supposed to follow a grid-based layout. ex:Bootstrap,Foundation,Skeleton,Yaml...
407 utenti
Lock Tab Page
Lock the tab page so that clicking the link does not leave the page. Opens in a new tab when a link is clicked
407 utenti
View Image Resurrected
Brings back the 'View Image' and 'Search by Image' options in google image search results, as well as adding copy and download options.
406 utenti
Print Selection to PDF
Select and print to PDF with mouse right-click.
405 utenti
Popup To Tab
Turns all popup windows into tabs (of the current window). Simply right-click on any tab and choose 'Move Popups Here'.
404 utenti
Simple Close Tab button
Adds a Close Tab button to the toolbar.
402 utenti
Who is Hosting this Website?
Who is Hosting This Website is a free Add-on service for telling you- where websites are being hosted. "Who is Hosting this Website?" will also determine and display the IP address, DNS records and domain name ownership information (Whois Records).
399 utenti
Rotate Image
Adds a context menu item which allows you to rotate an image (element) on a web page in +90 degrees steps.
399 utenti
Перевод раскладки онлайн GSgen.RU
Онлайн перевод текста, набранного в неправильной раскладке. Расширение от разработчиков сайта
396 utenti
LibreOffice Editore
Creare e modificare i documenti con LibreOffice Online.
396 utenti
Search with Google Map
Right-click to search the selected text with Google Map
394 utenti
Wide GitHub
Makes GitHub wide on Mozilla Firefox.
392 utenti
Real-Debrid download-all
Add a "Download all" button in Real Debrid if your download is split in multiple files.
390 utenti
Promoted Pin Hider
For Pinterest. Puts a big ol' gap where promoted pins used to be. It ain't PinBlock, but it's better than nothing.
389 utenti
Simple New Tab button
Adds a New Tab button to the toolbar.
389 utenti
Instagram Chat
Enables Instagram chat for the desktop.
388 utenti
Turn Off YouTube Comments & Live Chat
Turn off YouTube comments and/or hide YouTube live chat on videos.
387 utenti