Leetcode Enhancer
A browser extension to improve productivity on Leetcode.
403 utenti
Fast Image Blocker
Blocks all images and visual contents on desired websites
403 utenti
Mountain HD Wallpaper New Tab Theme
Custom new tab background theme with Mountain HD wallpapers in every new tab easily
401 utenti
Dark Theme for Instagram™
A highly customizable dark theme for Instagram homepage and search
401 utenti
This add-on provides a button to copy the URL strings of all active tabs in a window to a scratchpad, delimit them with newlines, and provides the ability to copy the list to clipboard. The reverse operation is also supported (txt2tabs).
400 utenti
MPT Fullscreen
Makes the Browser Fullscreen when opened.
400 utenti
Make Donald Drumpf Again! Replaces all instances of "Trump" with "Drumpf".
399 utenti
e621 enhancement
396 utenti
Stop button
Adds a stop button to the browser toolbar. Simply a stop button, otherwise similar to what the browser normally has, but this does not transform to a reload button at the wrong moment.
396 utenti
Misurare Elemento
Mostra la larghezza, l'altezza o l'area selezionata in qualsiasi punto della pagina web in pixel.
396 utenti
Easy access on ArXiv! Rename the title to the paper's title. Add a button to navigate easily. Download PDF with meaningful filename.
393 utenti
Homestuck Companion
Adds commentary, keyboard navigation and useful information to the pages of Homestuck.com stories, and redirects Homestuck.com links to The Unofficial Homestuck Collection, if installed.
392 utenti
My Epitech Percentages
Add the old percentages to my.epitech.eu
391 utenti
StayFocused hides distractions and keeps you focussed.
391 utenti
H264 Convert
Speed up ur videos!
391 utenti
Add multiple features to bandcamp.com
391 utenti
Pressing control and shift keys, double click away any element you want to hide. Control + shift + z to undo.
390 utenti
Show YouTube Upload Date
Shows upload date of YouTube video, regardless of window size.
390 utenti
Better Subscriptions for Youtube™
This plugin for Firefox aims to make navigating YouTube's subscription grid easier by allowing users to hide watched videos. Github: https://github.com/OsaSoft/youtube-better-subscriptions
390 utenti
Linked Image List
List the links to the images in the page.
390 utenti
Customizable new tab: compose your own page from widgets
387 utenti
Gmail Show Time
Shows full date/time in email listing and detail headers.
387 utenti
Open ReYohoho directly from kinopoisk.ru or shikimori.one
386 utenti
GMail Opener
Opens mail.google.com after clicking on it. Does nothing else.
385 utenti
Käyttöliittymäparannuksia SSHY:n sivuille
385 utenti