This changed the pieces in <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> and lichess to pieces resembling the Crewmates from Among Us.
42 utenti
Hide Mouse for HBO Max (for Firefox)
Hide the mouse while viewing a HBO Max video. A port of the Chrome extension by Nate Diven.
42 utenti
Host AdBlocker - Block By Domain
A fast and lite adblocker based on domain matching.
42 utenti
Audible Control
Control the playback speed of your favorite audiobook on audible. Control from 0.5x to 2.5x normal playback. Compatible with most audible sites. More will be added.
42 utenti
YT Distraction Remover
Removes all recommendations from Youtube
42 utenti
Hides/shows content of password fields by pressing the Shift key three times.
42 utenti
Generatore di Password ⚡ PRO
Estensione/componente aggiuntivo potente e facile da usare con funzionalità PRO per generare casualmente e verificare la sicurezza delle password.
42 utenti
Folding@home Dark Themes
Various dark mode themes for the foldingathome web client. Team-specific themes are included, such as Banano, LinusTechTips, and others.
42 utenti
Change Twitter icons + Favicon
grhkm's plugin to change Twitter favicon + all appearing logos :)
42 utenti
Bible Previewer
Turns every bible verse into a link you can hover to see the contents of the verse.
42 utenti
Show website element in Full Screen.
42 utenti
RoyalRoad Full Story
An addon that adds an option for reading the full text of a RoyalRoad story.
42 utenti
Discord Theme Handler
An alternative discord theme handler
42 utenti
Display None
Ajoute une action au clic-droit pour cacher un élément d'une page web (et une autre action pour réinitialiser les modifications).
41 utenti
Please Stand Up
Alert all developers, to standup after an hour to live the healthy life and code more
41 utenti
CyberPurify - Harmful Content Purifier for Kids
Protect your kids from online harmful content. Filter 15 types of harmful content including porn, violence, horrror, etc. Filter both websites and images on Google, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc.
41 utenti
inTab dona alla tua nuova scheda un aspetto completamente nuovo! Le caratteristiche includono sfondi HD, dischi cloud, promemoria di scadenza, segnalibri, meteo, note, gestione della cronologia e altro.
41 utenti
Logify - Parental Control
fully integrated with Logify Apps
41 utenti
Reddit UI Redirector
Redirects to
41 utenti
Make the width of Coinmarket Cap 98% so it is more readable with 12 columns instead of having to scroll sideways.
41 utenti
Вконтакте без мусора
Выбирай сам, что удалить в ленте Вконтакте: рекламу, репосты, блоки с историями и предложениями друзей, лайки и другое
41 utenti
MathML View Source
A 'View MathML Source' context menu item
41 utenti
Transcribes English web pages into International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).
41 utenti
Show Links
Finds all links and files(CSS, JS, Images) in a page.
41 utenti
Useragent Changer to FF iOS on Google
Sets the Useragent of Firefox Android to Firefox iOS whilst browsing Google's search. This provides the more feature rich Webkit experience.
41 utenti