Schick und alles im Blick lautet das Motto von Ihrer neuen Startseite. Auf dieser Startseite haben Sie alle wichtigen Funktionen und Webseiten immer griffbereit.
40 utenti
With this extension you can block standart ads, trackers and youtube ads.
40 utenti
Dark mode / night reader
Inverts page colors, showing white text on a dark background
39 utenti
Version in Toolbar
Shows the MAJOR software version (the part on the left of the first dot).
39 utenti
Asus Downloader
Unofficial firefox addon for Asus Download Master. For PC and Android phones
39 utenti
A clock frame for your TV
39 utenti
No Twitter Crop
Get rid of Twitter's image crop on single image tweets.
39 utenti
Chrome Emacs
Use Emacs to edit textareas and online editors. This extension provides bi-directional editing, cursor and scroll synchronization, and keyboard shortcuts, supporting popular online editors like CodePen, StackBlitz, and more.
39 utenti
39 utenti
PB Comments Plugin
This extension improves the usability of comments on the Poll Bludger blog. This plugin ONLY works at the following website: <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/2c7f7497ff34b3148e244617452875491600c3a0c98403c7e3094a2c849798ef/https%3A//www.pollbludger.net/">https://www.pollbludger.net/</a>
39 utenti
Emoji Keyboard XXL
Emoji Keyboard XXL is a free extension of the web tool <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/d9dd6400ed5f4a9fbcd2b6a5159aed84c0c084049f7c297c2dbfbdfb33a12186/https%3A//www.emojipudding.com">https://www.emojipudding.com</a>. You can find all current emojis with their meaning and copy them easily into a input field.
39 utenti
WowApp Smart Web
A new way to Earn for our WowApp members! We’re bringing you "Smart Web" - the extension that enables you to earn what’s rightfully yours when browsing the Internet.
39 utenti
Email ad remover
Removes the ad section of Microsoft's Outlook web mail client
39 utenti
24sessions screen sharing P2P
Screen sharing extension for <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/9519615666ba62b82a63b4493e88d24e6793a47714ccbdc632a082c6d47df606/http%3A//24sessions.com">24sessions.com</a>
39 utenti
CleanerReads - A Goodreads Theme
Nothing removed, just muted or moved out of the way.
39 utenti
Highlight Mouse Pointer
Shows 2 arrows around the mouse pointer to make it easier to see, which is great for tutorial recordings or classroom environments.
39 utenti
Reddit *BEST -> HOT*
Redirects <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/42268797a19a16a2ebeeda77cca1eda5a48db14e0cff56de4fab35eaef484216/http%3A//reddit.com">reddit.com</a> to <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/f7f0a969a22cba8e8df2abf27d85d80d29d0f2c0fdbd3d9cb6270bbfb772912f/http%3A//reddit.com/hot">reddit.com/hot</a> and changes the home-button links (The top bar and the Snoo on the left) to <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/f7f0a969a22cba8e8df2abf27d85d80d29d0f2c0fdbd3d9cb6270bbfb772912f/http%3A//reddit.com/hot">reddit.com/hot</a>. Only works on old design
39 utenti
Anti Spoiler for Videos
Hide the time and video lengths. Hide The progress bar and total duration of the video. Extension works on: YouTube, Netflix & AfreecaTV
39 utenti
Full Screen Video for Youtube and more
A plugin for making video player full screen size in YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion and some more video sites.
39 utenti
GitHub User Languages
See the language usage breakdown of a User or Org right on their GitHub profile page.
39 utenti
Stack Copy Button
A copy button for Stack Overflow code boxes
39 utenti
TST Hide Tabs
Extends TST to hide tabs when their parent in the tree is collapsed
39 utenti
Power BI Report Server Refresh
This extension automates the click of the Update button of the published Dashboards - By Alberto Rainha de Castro
39 utenti
Dark vCenter
Apply Dark Clarity Theme to vCenter!
39 utenti
Unicode Keyboard
A keyboard-navigable Input panel that can search unicode characters by character name, code block and general category. Alt+U to open and close the panel. Alt+Shift+L to toggle the latex shorthand input mode in text areas.
39 utenti