Tecknity Cookies
With our extension you can easily edit the cookies of your browser specifically for Netflix and use cookies provided on our website in order to enjoy unlimited Netflix.
77 utenti
Twitch clip/VOD sync
Synchronises a Twitch clip/VOD to another streamers VOD if that streamer was live at the exact moment in time of the clip/VOD.
77 utenti
Twitch Badge Collector V2
Collect only the chats you want in Twitch Chat!
77 utenti
Simulatore online Android per giochi Arcade
Esegui un simulatore Android online basato sul Web che consente di giocare a giochi Arcade.
76 utenti
Search Roblox servers for a desired player
75 utenti
Video Speed And Volume With Mouse Wheel
Control video and audio playback speed and volume with the mouse wheel
75 utenti
ReTorn is the return of a great Torn extension. Packed full of add-ons to enhance your gameplay on Torn. Using the power of the Official Torn API, ReTorn makes your life in Torn easier. Your Torn experience reborn with ReTorn!
75 utenti
Live TV
Fernsehappar.at Live TV mit 25+ Sender in der Firefox Sidebar
75 utenti
TSR Wait Time Reducer
Reduce the waiting time for every download.
75 utenti
Faster Youtube Playback Speed
YouTube's < & > can only go upto 2x, let's make it go even faster.
75 utenti
Netflix Shuffle
Netflix Shuffle adds a button that detects which Netflix show page the user is on, and plays a random episode from that show.
74 utenti
SoundCloud Player
SoundCloud Player
74 utenti
goto letterboxd
When on a IMDb page, click button to go to corresponding letterboxd page. There was once an addon like this but it got removed(?). Redirect based on https://bookmarkify.it/6479
74 utenti
Fantasy Points League Importer
League import bridge for FantasyPoints.com #ScoreMore.
73 utenti
LinDuo – Impara l’inglese GRATIS
LinDuo è il miglior metodo GRATUITO per imparare 1000 parole di inglese in un mese! Un metodo unico per allenare le competenze di ascolto e di scrittura in inglese!
73 utenti
Hate to see Trump while browsing? Use this add-on to replace Trump with Bully and Plagiarism Icon with Plagiarism Icon.
73 utenti
Nexus Mods - Archive Links
Adds download links to mod archive pages
72 utenti
TF2Center Tools
This tool allows you to auto-join lobbies on the lobby selection screen to a class slot of your choosing. It will continuously auto-ready up your slot so you do not need to manage the timer manually. Logs.tf matches will display ratings and an MVP.
72 utenti
Turn pieces of ANSI text art and ASCII, NFO documents into HTML using RetroTxt. RetroTxt is the Extension that takes legacy and plain text files and stylizes them into a more acceptable, useful format to view or copy from a web browser tab.
72 utenti
Kazuma Kiryu Typing Extension
shows kiryu when typing in the search bar it adds a few video players with kiryu, if you type on that page, kiryu will also start typing. also if you press enter it will show "success".
72 utenti
Pardus MultiClock
Display a selection of clocks that represent various events that occur within Pardus (a MMORPG set in space)
71 utenti
Video Plus
This add-on increases the display size of videos by removing unnecessary padding bars.
71 utenti
Beanfun Bypass
繞過Beanfun網頁檢測,讓火狐也能正常啟動遊戲 必須先安裝Beanfun plugin https://tw.hicdn.beanfun.com/beanfun/beanfun/WebStart/beanfun!Plugin_1.0.18.msi
71 utenti
Twitch Bot list
Shows twitch bots in different color.
71 utenti
Rotten Tomatoes Google Search (Updated)
Adds custom search engine to search Rottentomatoes.com for movies, TV shows, actors and more...
70 utenti