T-Rex Dino Chrome
Chrome's offline dinosaur game for firefox
72 utenti
De-Fakeator (Neo Magazin Royale)
De-Fakeator - Die Neo Magazin Royale WebExtension
72 utenti
Rotten Tomatoes Google Search (Updated)
Adds custom search engine to search Rottentomatoes.com for movies, TV shows, actors and more...
71 utenti
Word Cloud Generator
generate a word cloud for the content in selected sections of the page
71 utenti
Beanfun Bypass
繞過Beanfun網頁檢測,讓火狐也能正常啟動遊戲 必須先安裝Beanfun plugin https://tw.hicdn.beanfun.com/beanfun/beanfun/WebStart/beanfun!Plugin_1.0.18.msi
71 utenti
Twitch Bot list
Shows twitch bots in different color.
71 utenti
Can I Fly There
Utility for checking if you can fly to an FSEconomy airport using your simulator.
70 utenti
Pokeclicker Speedrun Tools
Adds various speedrun quality-of-life features to Pokeclicker.
70 utenti
Facebook™ Livestream Mode
Facebook™ Livestream - ENHANCE and SPEED UP for the your viewing Facebook live stream (Football, Game, ...) for slow internet connection. Like my add-on Facebook™ Livestream.
70 utenti
Pixiv Infinite Scroll
Add infinite scrolling to Pixiv.
70 utenti
XKCD Alt Text Display
Displays the alt text below the XKCD comic just like in the mobile version of XKCD.com. Click (alt-text) to display the text.
70 utenti
Comfort functions for YouTube™ Gaming Live, with focus on the German stream Rocket Beans TV.
70 utenti
start.gg (smash.gg) Japanese Tag Romanizer
Translate Japanese tags on start.gg with a simple mouseover!
69 utenti
GeoGuessr remove bottom ads
Automatically removes annoying white ads line on the bottom of the screen when playing free version of GeoGuessr
69 utenti
Hentai Enhancement Suite
An addons to improve the nhentai experience and better curate my own preferences
69 utenti
TeraBox Coin Collector
Collect coins from TeraBox and get unlimited free cloud storage and premium on TeraBox
69 utenti
SerienStream (S.to) Controls
Fügt einen WEITER und einen ZURÜCK Button an den Seiten von SerienStream (s.to) hinzu um schneller zwischen Episoden wechseln zu können Unterstützt nun auch AniWorld.to!
68 utenti
Twitch Pause
Twitch pause extension for Mozilla. Allows video pause by mouse click.
68 utenti
Black Twitch
The black theme for Twitch.
68 utenti
Tune Tailor for YouTube®
Easy to access controls for changing the speed on the native YouTube player.
68 utenti
67 utenti
Steam Helper - Save money on PC games
Steam Helper helps save money on Steam games.
67 utenti
YouTube Play Next
You can choose one of suggested videos to be played next automatically after correct video finishes. NOTE: YouTube has also introduced this feature on their website itself, don't forget to explore that too.
67 utenti
Geometria Piazza
Immaginate che si sono quadrati e saltare oltre gli ostacoli.
66 utenti
filter weibo which contains keywords in blacklist
66 utenti