Advanced Frame Designer with Gradients
Ein Werkzeug um Rahmen direkt in der Webseite zu gestalten. Ein eingebauter Colorpicker unterstützt auch harmonische Farben. Ebenso werden Schatten 'BorderImage', Farbverläufe, 'transform Definitionen' und 'blend-mode' unterstützt.
38 utenti
Sexy LCD clock
Firefox 57+ compatible awesome LCD clock extension which is showing on the top-right of your screen. Features: 1. It ticks every hour/half-hour 2. It disappears when you hovering cursor on it
38 utenti
Taiwan eBook Downloader
Download PDF ebooks from Taiwan eBook database
38 utenti
Save Windows
Save all tabs in a window to check it later
38 utenti
AVJ - Assistente Virtual da Justiça
Este é um recurso de Acessibilidade para servidores com capacidade motora reduzida da Justiça que visa a facilitar a operação dos principais sistemas (Pesquisas, E-mails, etc.) com adaptações de usabilidade e otimização de procedimentos.
38 utenti
Symantec Authentication Client Dev Extension
Messaging API between web pages and Symantec PKI Client
38 utenti
Quizlet Automator
This extension automatically completes Quizlet's 'Write Mode'
38 utenti
True Sight
Easily find out which content delivery networks are serving you content on behalf of web servers.
38 utenti
38 utenti
Fira Code for StackOverflow
Use the Fira Code font and its beautiful ligatures in code chunks on StackOverflow! The font is integrated in the add-on - no need to install the font on your computer! For more information on Fira Code visit <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>.
38 utenti
Download Plenty
Yet another download addon.
38 utenti
Append selected text to clipboard. [Demo(21second)] <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
38 utenti
LIT Prompts
Create, save, and run interconnecting template-based prompts for Large Language Models (LLMs) using direct input along with content from your active browser window.
38 utenti
Emoji Keyboard — typing to emoji
keep trying to find an emoji. Select and copy your favorite emoji like cow, horse, eating, flag, laughing, crying and more emojis
38 utenti
Add to Kinopio
Add cards to your Kinopio Inbox wherever you are
38 utenti
Amazon Orders to Beancount
Scrap order info from Amazon, and generate Beancount entries.
37 utenti
On-Screen Keyboard voor toepassingen zoals bij Scanfie. Gratis en geen advertenties
37 utenti
Coddova Download Manager (CDM)
Enable user to quickly download files from internet such as movies, programs, Pdf files.
37 utenti
Udemy Speedup
Enhance your Udemy experience with custom playback rates and quick adjustments using '[' and ']' keys. Skip the 'Up Next' screen, lengthy intros, and outros effortlessly. Give it star on the github repo if you use it :)
37 utenti
Link your File
Companion for the LinkYourFile desktop app to skip the link page.
37 utenti
Easy Percentage Calculator
Calculate percentages based on inputs such as ratios, fractions, grades and percentage increase/decrease.
37 utenti
FL Mystery Sorter
Show Fallen London's 'Mystery of ... City' qualities in sorted order.
37 utenti
For Firefox Android Nightly Edition (You don't need this if you're using PC). Heavily based on FoxScroller. Auto scroll web pages with fully adjustable speed.
37 utenti
Calculator Search
With this addon, you can get instant answers to math queries as you type in the addressbar. Simply type "calc" and your math query. Supports order of operations! Limitations: does not support parenthesis notation, some more complex operations
37 utenti
IBM RPA Web Recorder
Create a RPA Automation script by recording browser actions
37 utenti