Pixel Measurement Tool
Measure distances and element sizes on webpages.
37 utenti
This addon will check if domain of opened url, is registered within last 12 months. And will notify the user with an icon besides url. By clicking the icon, user can proceed or stop & go to duckduckgo.
37 utenti
StackOverbloat: remove sidebar on StackOverflow
Stop distracting me StackOverflow! This addon simply removes the right sidebar on <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/2dbca41949fb6e21c817d91b53d4a917139894aee9f6dd97934878862703e62c/http%3A//StackOverflow.com" rel="nofollow">StackOverflow.com</a>. Simple really.
37 utenti
Open in Popup
Open a link in the popup.
37 utenti
Webpage SideNotes
Displays a sidebar that lets you take notes on web pages.
37 utenti
Aurus' Roll20 UI Scripts
Add some UI improvements and features to Roll20, map features work best with VTTES.
37 utenti
Stock Quote Hub for Google Finance
Add quick links from Google Finance stock quote to another sources.
37 utenti
RPN Calculator
This extension adds a convenient reverse Polish notation (RPN) calculator as a browser action button. Also called postfix, RPN calculators take their operators after the operands. If you've used HP calculators, this extension is for you.
37 utenti
Trello Shortcuts Killer
Remove shortcuts from Trello for people who don't use them
37 utenti
a tool for hide pixiv's ads
37 utenti
Unofficial Shlink extension for Firefox
37 utenti
Quick Commands
Provides a fast way to search and change between open Tabs or open tabs from History and Bookmarks. Inspired by Vivaldi's Quick Commands (<a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/bd9e342f6e0bd1f6bce85d4161bfc445330664f579b620b586790c799f3c1bdb/https%3A//help.vivaldi.com/article/quick-commands/" rel="nofollow">https://help.vivaldi.com/article/quick-commands/</a>) Use the shortcut (Alt+Shift+R) to open the menu window.
37 utenti
Memrise Audio Uploader
Auto uploads audio for words and phrases in your course
37 utenti
Hydrus Save
Send links to Hydrus Network.
36 utenti
Podio Super Menu
Adds lots of useful stuff to Citrix Podio.
36 utenti
Presentation MathML Polyfill
Add support for some advanced presentation MathML features
36 utenti
Night Time Data on SLT Usage Meter
Displays Night Time Data on SLT usage meter.
36 utenti
Chons Inventory Helper
An extension An extension that helps you list multiple items on steam, fast.that helps you list multiple items on steam, fast.
36 utenti
Get instant rhymes for any word or term that hits you anywhere on the web!
36 utenti
JavaScript Toggle
Toggle JavaScript execution on the current webpage.
36 utenti
Displays updated company tags and numeric difficulty ratings. Instantly generate random, realistic test cases for any LeetCode problem at the click of a button. Aimed to improve quality of life and help you land the job of your dreams.
36 utenti
PR Monitor
Get notified when you receive a pull request on GitHub. See <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/27987e74720d2f9e833e5e7d187ae6025b47fe9727d3f2f77c8583b46ad82536/https%3A//github.com/zenclabs/prmonitor" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/zenclabs/prmonitor</a> for source code.
36 utenti
google image 右鍵搜
Seacrhes the selected text on goolge image
36 utenti
Use omnibox to quickly and conveniently search subreddits
36 utenti
persian date and time، تاریخ و ساعت
Persian date and time, ساعت,تاریخ,زمان,تقویم
36 utenti