Quick note
Allows the user to make quick notes by clicking a button and entering text into the resulting popup. The notes are saved in storage.
17 utenti
Maximize All Windows (Minimalist Version)
A minimalist version of the "Maximize All Windows" addon.
17 utenti
Assists with securing a vaccine appointment from the MD massvax sites.
17 utenti
Generatore di Codici QR
Genera un codice QR per l'URL della pagina corrente
17 utenti
A user translation viewer for BOJ
17 utenti
Surf Clock
Keep track of the time you spend surfing on the web.
17 utenti
emailStationery.com Toolbar
For use by <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/1ab5f887cf7136384956113caf998a5f1446cc1f00395d8646a8d1b0705e7fa1/http%3A//emailStationery.com">emailStationery.com</a> customers - Use custom html email stationery and signatures with many popular webmail applications including AOL, gmail, Hotmail, MSN, Live, Hotmail, <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/5df07da2d9f137ab21d4a4d63cb97500a3633181a2736883da16dbe5aeb56149/http%3A//Outlook.com">Outlook.com</a> and yahoo.
17 utenti
Security Token Signing - P.A Vietnam Ltd
The extension P.A security token signing online.
17 utenti
Мои закладки
Храните все ваши закладки на <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/6f3e5fb8ef27d34d026a02f3f464628fb5c73b8b06198eceacddefd8207df997/http%3A//my-tabs.ru">my-tabs.ru</a>. Быстрый доступ из любого браузера
17 utenti
Danbooru Enhancer
Various tweaks to assist Danbooru users/contributors.
17 utenti
A web extension for royalroad.com. For people who juggle multiple stories
17 utenti
Assistente de Cópia Proad
Copia formatação de textos para o editor HTML do proad, evitando perda de layout. Feita a cópia de um texto qualquer (editor de documentos ou outra fonte), a extensão acessa a versão HTML do texto e formatação, permitindo colar na página do PROAD.
17 utenti
Night Mode Activation
Activates night mode for websites, creating dark themes for improved readability and reduced eye strain during nighttime browsing sessions.
17 utenti
uyou 新标签页
17 utenti
View any gist on <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/8061db58833d385b3f540c05ec8ea5587c779a1927175f4a32dd84ca75d09aeb/http%3A//bl.ocks.org">bl.ocks.org</a>.
17 utenti
Unicode Input
Allows entering of unicode characters by 4 character hex codes, eg 00e9 for e acute, followed by the Insert key. Doesn't work on sites with complicated frame set ups, eg Gmail, YouTube, or Twitter. Designed initially for use with Ex Libris Alma.
17 utenti
FurAffinity Notifier+
Displays the number of FurAffinity messages the user has. (Discontinued, please use my newer extension FABUI)
17 utenti
Dawdle Block
Put time limits on unproductive sites.
17 utenti
Accent Copier
Copy accents from your favorite language, in a beautiful GUI that makes finding the right one a breeze. The days of remembering long ALT codes or searching the web for a copy & paste are over!
17 utenti
ChatGPT-Opener is a simple extension that allows you to open ChatGPT in a new tab and sign in directly from your browser.
17 utenti
Linkly for Firefox makes it easy to make Linkly tracking links from webpages you're visiting.
17 utenti
Use custom shortcut to toggle the pencil in the New York Times Crossword desktop app.
17 utenti
JDGification Youtube
Ajoute JDG dans les miniatures Youtube
17 utenti
GLIDER.ai Proctoring
<a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/32a09927eb03453a1df44cf36a6576b62f59a44b715b45e223c53db008e06c7d/http%3A//GLIDER.ai" rel="nofollow">GLIDER.ai</a> Proctoring extension invigilates the candidate's session during the duration of the test.
17 utenti
Permet de retrouver les données du système BGM depuis les ISBNs disponibles dans les pages.
17 utenti