Zenhub Helper
This is a helper for Zenhub to maximize/restore Zenhub's working space when working with Zenhub plugin for Github.
16 utenti
ABCPRO SIP Integration for Firefox
Dodatek do integracji BAW z SIP Legalis dla przeglądarki Firefox. Współpracuje z oprogramowaniem firmy ABC PRO Sp. z o.o.
16 utenti
Extension to add Furigana to Duolingo's Kanji. This addon is to make the kanji and hiragana on Duolingo easier to read to promote learning.
16 utenti
Notifies you of new messages and posts on reddit.
16 utenti
Disengaged - an Addiction Blocker
Removes the addictive parts of websites so you don't waste as much time on the internet.
16 utenti
KDP Uploader
Upload Paperbacks and Kindle eBooks to KDP platform has never been so Easy
16 utenti
My Canned Notes
"My Canned Responses" is a powerful and user-friendly browser extension designed to streamline your note-taking and manage frequently used responses. Whether you're a busy professional, a support agent, or simply looking to stay organized,
16 utenti
similarWeb website rank badge
showing the current webpage's website rank on the extension icon
16 utenti
Spot N Paste - Dropship tool for Ordering
A semi auto ordering tool for Ecom Dropship sellers.
16 utenti
MSN to Outlook Redirect
Redirects MSN URL to Outlook login page.
16 utenti
Page Top and Bottom
Adds controls to navigate a page to the top or to the bottom
16 utenti
Ylilauta Thread Hider
Ylilauta Thread Hider enables you to hide threads automatically based on several criteria such as post content. The source code will be made available on Github.
16 utenti
Stoker Count
An extension designed to provide you with Solutions
16 utenti
Webpage Archiver
Save a complete copy of webpages for offline viewing.
16 utenti
Morse Code Translator
Morse Code Translator extension powered by <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/bf579099046d5853d068c0f217459e16196dcdd7550af30f911f9bc368b9991e/http%3A//morsecode-translator.com" rel="nofollow">morsecode-translator.com</a> helps to encode and decode morse code.
16 utenti
Discord chat in sidebar
discord chat in sidebar
16 utenti
Censor Visual Studio C*de
Censor VS C*de in your browser
16 utenti
ScreenZen Blocker
Blocks websites as per ScreenZen configurations.
16 utenti
Perceptual image search
Search by image, that is looking for similar images via web-search engines; the so-called reverse image search.
16 utenti
Quickly search through all your open tabs/bookmarks to switch to/open instantly Inspired by the 'helm' package for Emacs (specifically helm-buffers-list command) Works with other extensions such as Tree Style Tab Will open tabs in other windows
16 utenti
YandexZen link fix
Это расширение не даёт Yandex и Yandex.Zen отслеживать переход по ссылкам (удаляет отслеживающие «довески» в ссылках).
16 utenti
Soundcraft UI Midi Control
Add midi control throw Web-Midi-API. Add keys to change volume level for selecting channel, to tap tempo, etc
16 utenti
GPA FPT University Calculator
culate Total GPA and semester GPA An Extension for Students of FPT Caculate GPA and evalue rank each Semester
16 utenti
Download Virus Checker+
Automatically check all the downloads files against well-known anti-viruses using VirusTotal API.
16 utenti