Estensione per Bloccare i Siti
Blocca e reindirizza facilmente i siti web con regole personalizzate per rimanere concentrato e produttivo.
180 utenti
GitHub Wiki Search
Simple search box for GitHub wikis.
180 utenti
Yandex Image Search (
This extension adds a context menu option for selected image in order to find it on
180 utenti
SAP Support Note QuickLaunch
Quickly launch SAP Support to view or search for notes
180 utenti
Open Access Helper
Effortless legal access to full text scholarly articles: Open Access Helper will help you identify legal open access copies of academic articles, using and
180 utenti
ArchLinux Packages Search
Adds ArchLinux Packages as a search engine.
180 utenti
Available Reads
See your local library's ebook availability right from Goodreads! This extension adds a simple listing of copies available from Overdrive/Libby on each Goodreads review page and in your Goodreads bookshelf.
179 utenti
English Korean Dictionary (영어사전)
찾고 싶은 단어를 간단히 클릭(Alt+Click)하여 네이버 영어사전을 이용할 수 있습니다.
179 utenti
178 utenti
SEO Audit Tool
Website analysis & SEO tool by iwebchk provides comprehensive website review in SEO, performance, validity, security, accessibility, social media, backlinks, visitors, technologies and usability.
178 utenti
Affilitizer highlights advertisers with affiliate programs within Google Search result pages and in the address bar.
178 utenti
Select like a Boss - Select all kinds of text by d
With this extension, you can easily select link text just like regular text, making it easier to copy. Just Select like a Boss! ;)
178 utenti
Word search with
Search unknown words easily with just one click.
178 utenti
Traduci ciò che desideri semplicemente lanciando una ricerca su Firefox.
177 utenti
Big Search
Handily use / switch search engines via a Flexible Tool. With some special technical features also. Definitly more than a GET/POST sender. Source code on Github. Vast search, search great! Breadth 🗺️ & Focus 👨💻
176 utenti
Giphy Search
A search engine for Giphy to quickly find the right gif for the occasion! Type "gif" followed by your search term in the search bar to quickly find results from Giphy.
174 utenti
Ecosia Dark Mode
A beautiful darkmode built for the Ecosia search engine. Save the planet and your eyes: Ecosia Dark Mode enables a custom dark theme for all Ecosia searches, giving your eyes a chance to rest while your searches plant trees.
174 utenti
НМО. Для тех, кто устал списывать вручную. Сделано с любовью
174 utenti
Search Highlighter
Search and highlight keywords in any page via toolbar popup.
174 utenti
Contextual Wiktionary
The fastest and most intuitive way to define words on the web.
174 utenti Metasearch
Adds to the browser metasearch engine with small CSS Quality of Life additions.
174 utenti
Translates Japanese Text on Websites upon hovering it. Dictionaries can be chosen and installed separately. Shift through the dictionaries using Ctrl.
173 utenti
Goodreads Easy Search
Easily search Goodreads with right-click! This addon adds context options on selecting text to search Goodreads with that text. You can "Search Now" (immediately show the search tab) or "Search Later" (open up the search tab in the background).
173 utenti
Firefox上でPDIC(辞書検索ソフト)を利用するアドオンです。 ・マウスでAlt+右クリックした単語の訳をポップアップ検索 ・マウス移動でマウス直下の単語をインクリメンタルサーチ ができます。
173 utenti
2 ChatGPT
Faites discuter deux instances de chatGPT ensemble dans deux fenêtres de navigateur différentes.
172 utenti