Ortografía, gramática y diccionario
Herramienta para consultar dudas sobre ortografía y gramática. Incluye buscadores en varios diccionarios. Sinónimos, Antónimos, conjugador verbal y separar en sílabas
182 utenti
Naver Search
(Unofficial) An extension which adds www.naver.com as a search engine.
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DeepL translator (unofficial)
Adds DeepL to the search box. Unofficial Addon.
181 utenti
CORE Discovery
One-click access to free copies of research papers whenever you hit the paywall
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Simple Google - no AI or snippets
Adds an uncluttered version of Google Search to your search engines.
180 utenti
Améliorez votre recherche Google grâce aux résultats de notre service.
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YouTube Bypass
NOTE: Please use version 1.0 of this add-on until version 1.2 is released.
180 utenti
Open doors - Scribd pages reveal
This extension is to help you scape from weak registration popups. You only need a click. This is the openable sites for free: - Scribd.com If you think we should get rid of certain website, can write us at abax.greg@gmail.com
178 utenti
178 utenti
Big Search
Handily use / switch search engines via a Flexible Tool. With some special technical features also. Definitly more than a GET/POST sender. Source code on Github. Vast search, search great! Breadth 🗺️ & Focus 👨💻
178 utenti
Force Safe Search
Force Safe Search turns on the safest search settings available on search engines such as Google, Reddit, YouTube, Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, and more. Users cannot override the safe search settings enforced by this plug-in.
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Free Email And Social Extractor - Growth Hunt
Best FREE way to automatically detect and extract emails and social profiles from websites you visit. Browse through multiple websites and it will automatically store all contacts which you can then import into Excel or Google Sheets.
177 utenti
Wondertab is a minimalistic extension to make your new tabs shine.
176 utenti
Magazines Plus
Boostez votre recherche Google avec les résultats de notre service.
176 utenti
Qwant Search (Unofficial)
Unofficial, open-source web extension that adds qwant.com as a search engine to the Firefox browser. Please review Qwant's privacy policy: https://about.qwant.com/legal/privacy/
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175 utenti
Google Verbatim Search
Adds Google as a browser bar search engine with the 'Verbatim' search tool always activated.
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Thingiverse Fixer
Download all as Zip, and remove timer and ads from individual downloads.
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URL として開く
選択したテキスト内に含まれる URL を、コンテキストメニューから新規タブで開きます。h 抜きなど、プロトコルのない URL も https か http に補完して開きます。選択した URL を一時的に記憶して、あとでまとめて開くこともできます。
175 utenti
Automatically find maps on web pages you visit and add them to the OldMapsOnline mapping platform.
173 utenti
Cerca rapidamente e facilmente Bing per i punti premi
172 utenti
An Etherscan extension for your browser. View the current gas fees and the latest block number with a single click. Made with love by Etherscan!
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SEO Tool Extension
The SEO Tool Extension gives you quick access to many major SEO tools in one handy extension.
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Seamlessly integrate voice-to-text transcriptions on ChatGPT and anywhere on the web—powered by OpenAI's Whisper API.
171 utenti
Cosa dice Hacker News
Cerca le discussioni sul sito Hacker News per la pagina che stai navigando.
171 utenti