160by2 Compare: Best Prices, Deals & Coupons
Compare Prices, get the best deals and apply the right coupons across websites like Flipkart, Amazon, Snapdeal, Ebay and more, all in real time!
0 utenti
Good Tool
Free mortgage & rental calculators for smarter housing decisions. Compare payments, analyze refinancing, and more.
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Luxe Breaks
Save up to 60% off at 1,000,000+ hotels worldwide. Welcome to Luxe Breaks - for Travel Agents Register for instant access to our exclusive wholesale prices, including leading hotels and experiences.
0 utenti
Scandid, Savings ka Sahi Jugaad- Now on your Browser! Compare, Save.
0 utenti
Group Cart Manager
Manage and collaborate on group shopping carts with price alerts, shared wish lists, and more.
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Preloved Finder
Find secondhand items and calculate shipping costs in advance.
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Amazon Smile Redirect
Automatically redirect to Amazon Smile
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Помощник по доставке AliExpress
Показывает ВСЕ доступные способы доставки и их стоимость на странице товара на AliExpress и прямо на странице поиска. Рассчитывает суммарную стоимость товара и доставки.
0 utenti
Plastic-Free Product Finder
Discover products with zero plastic packaging.
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Estimate My Project
Calculate your web. mobile, embedded systems or desktop app costs
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Engagement Ring Wish List
The ultimate Wish List for choosing your dream ring.
0 utenti
Shipped.io Iraq
Amazon won’t ship to you? We’re here to help!
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Nauman Yousaf
You can get the information about your favorite helmets in just one click!
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Vệ Sĩ Hô Hấp
Rapidly reach home page of Vệ Sĩ Hô Hấp as quick as possible.
0 utenti
Support me with no money! This app replaces product links with my affiliate tags so you can support me without thinking! Thank you!
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True Wellth
Online Shopping Made Healthier
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Luxury Watch Info : Coveted
Fetch watch details based on highlighted text.
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TripLetsGo - С нас начинаются путешествия!
TripLetsGo - С нас начинаются путешествия!
0 utenti
Search KCLS Catalog
Adds Context Menu to search highlighted text in the King County Library System Catalog
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Shop on your favorite stores and earn rewards! Shop and book travel online. Receive cash and credit rewards for shopping with many online retailers like Target, Macy's, Nordstrom, Walmart, and more.
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Gearbest.com button
Quick button to Gearbest.com
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Supportly ermöglicht es dir Amazon-Partnerlinks deiner Lieblingsprojekte zu speichern und sie per Zufall aufzurufen, um sie alle mit deinen Einkäufe zu unterstützen. Erklärvideo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mnqGZgO2UI
0 utenti
Closing Time
Why does Amazon have to be open 24/7? This add-on makes it so you can't access Amazon after business hours.
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Pricedo Extension
Shop popular stores, find coupons, and earn cashback
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La extensión de Firefox "DTSREDIR" es una herramienta práctica diseñada para optimizar la experiencia de los usuarios en equipos de autoatención.
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