Product Reviews Aggregator
Aggregates product reviews from multiple sources for better comparison.
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Drillthedeal Deals and Coupons
Get the latest shopping deals and Offers at one place.
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Price Drop Notifier
Get notified when your favorite products drop in price.
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Remember-To-Save Value saver
Saving reminders that informs users that they could save money on targeted websites by using the Remember-to-save service
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Economize tempo e dinheiro com o Bitaas!
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TapiCash Plugin
Return the cashback from each order in AliExpress, Banggood, GearBest and other stores with the Tapicash plugin
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SuperPrice search
This service can search products and price from world multiple shopping sites at once.
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ITcashback - кэшбэк сервис
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Greta Van 10bis
An addon that automatically opts-out from ordering Plastic cutlery on
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Álvarez Assistant Extension
This add-on shows a message if you are viewing a product web page that is more expensive than the same product in Armería Álvarez web site. This add-on is useful if you usually buy on Armería Álvarez
0 utenti
Libri Top presenta una classifica aggiornata dei migliori libri presenti sul mercato.
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Hunt automatically finds coupons and discounts when you shop online. Saving money has never been easier!
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Savematic: Smart Cash Back Assistant
Get cash back and best deals while shopping with 10.000's+ merchants!
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Mein Lübecker Cashback Radar
Verpassen Sie nie wieder Cashback mit dem Mein Lübecker Cashback Radar
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pinsa perfume
this extension is about the guide of buying best cologne and perfume
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My Personal Blog related to the online shopping store.
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Les Conseils de Karo
Generate Coupon Karo
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Support the people you like for free
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Your smart buying companion that will save you time and money.
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Your Source for Electronics Advice
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Organiza tus compras online con Dziro.
0 utenti
Die Abfahrt Extension erweitert Ihr Browser-Erlebnis gravierend. Durch Cutting Edge-Technologie wie AI, sowie Big Data kombiniert mit Deep Learning werden IHRE Buttons mit dem Text "Abfahrt" ausgetauscht!
0 utenti Online
Vellaire produces handmade leather goods TX, USA. Using this plugin, you can check our catalog easily and instantly.
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Ref&Roll automates the usage of referral links added to the extension
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