Realply: AI LinkedIn Outreach
Generate up to 3x more meetings, boost your revenue and become a thought leader using smart Linkedin AI today.
2 utenti
Hides downvotes in Disqus. Not associated with or endorsed by Disqus.
2 utenti
Smart Life
Ticket Collector Cross platform Extension
2 utenti
Anti YouTube Shorts
Removes YouTube Shorts
2 utenti
YouTube Dark Green Plus™
Dark Green YouTube theme that's easy on the eyes.
2 utenti
Remove Shorts From Youtube
Removes YouTube Shorts from your feed.
2 utenti
ANWhatsApp Features
Discover a new ANWhatsApp feature every time you click! Enjoy enhanced privacy, customization, and more with this elegant and user-friendly extension.
2 utenti
Custom Dark Mode for GameFAQs
Automatically applies a dark mode theme to GameFAQs.
2 utenti
Force "All comments" comment ordering for Facebook
2 utenti
Good Day
Has a nice warm message every day. Simple and straightforward!
2 utenti
Twitter/X Auto Unspoiler
Automatically unhide sensitive or spoiler-tagged media on Twitter/X.
2 utenti
Focus AI
Uses AI to help you focus and enjoy work, like it's a game.
2 utenti
TikTok Background Runner
Runs TikTok in the background.
2 utenti
楽天リーベイツ ポイントアシスト
楽天リーベイツ ポイントアシストをインストールすると、リーベイツサイトを経由せずに提携のブランド公式ストアを訪問しても、「楽天ポイント還元」ポップでリーベイツ提携ストアであることをお知らせします。二度と、ポイント還元を見逃しません。これはKdroidwinによる非公式フォークであり、正式ではありません。ライセンスは楽天に
2 utenti
CleansingX: Twitter X Filter
Filter and hide unwanted content on (formerly Twitter) to enhance your browsing experience.
2 utenti
Scientific Bayesian Average Calculator
The first scientifically validated Bayesian weighted average calculator. It accurately computes Bayesian weighted averages using either pre-calculated average metrics or the complete dataset from the table.
2 utenti
Hashnode — The Dev Community
Hashnode Firefox extension to read hot discussions and stories. Stay up-to-date with what's happening in the developer's community.
2 utenti
Reddit comments button tweaker
FEW COMPATIBILITY PROBLEMS with "RES" extension! Resize or hide comment action (flat-list) buttons under each comment to reduce the clutter for easier reading. This addon won't change the buttons inserted by RES (Reddit Enhanacement Suite) addon.
2 utenti
Monitor de Anúncios - Eleições Sem Fake
Uma ferramenta para detecção de Anúncios com conteúdo político e notícia falsa no facebook.
2 utenti
Una versione modificata non ufficialmente di Hotot, il noto e leggero client Twitter, ormai con più di 1000 modifiche rispetto alla versione originale, divisi tra (numerosi) fix, miglioramenti ed aggiunte di nuove funzioni.
2 utenti
PubExchange Link Shortener
Create and share shortened links to your partners' articles while you are reading them
2 utenti
Social Sentiment
Adds sentiment analysis to social platforms. Uses emoji to help you quickly understand the sentiment of social posts and comments.
2 utenti
Aura Network Plug-in
This extension for auranetworks
2 utenti
找工作神器!这个时代最不缺的就是信息,最难的是怎么从大量的垃圾信息中提取出自己想要的!还在为招聘网站(智联/51job(前程无忧)/58/赶集/中华英才网/拉勾网/大街网)上的培训机构烦恼吗?搜索不到想要的信息?到处是培训机构的广告?不用怕,安装了FilterTraining,页面就会只剩下你想要的信息了~~暂时只收录了成都这边的培训机构,后续会增加到全国,以及自定义添加..敬请期待!有bug请反馈到 hudcan@sina.com或 QQ群 618387648 ,也请大家把知道的培训机构名称告
2 utenti
Chain Duck
Retrieve the URL of the active tab, and display the search result of Twitter. It would be easy to collect third party opinions.
2 utenti