Putin The War Criminal
Interesting fact: Vladimir Putin is a war criminal, and this addon will ensure he's always labeled as that.
2 utenti
A Toki Pona popup dictionary! Click any Toki pona word on the internet and a pop-up will show up defining the definitions! Click the pop-up again to hide.
2 utenti
Reddit Random Redirect
A lightweight Firefox extension that instantly transports you to a random subreddit with a single click. Dive into the vast world of Reddit and discover new communities effortlessly!
2 utenti
this extension will block users who always spam <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/bcb28267b7db3adc46877860ebcb709c992d305b9338e6b9034fa1f9471025eb/http%3A//pantip.com" rel="nofollow">pantip.com</a>. And will auto block comment with more than 3 images.
2 utenti
Eazy-Chat 直连版·Chat-GPT聊天机器人
Eazy-Chat 直连版GPT聊天机器人,是一款基于的GPT算法开发的聊天机器人,具备较高的智能度和语言理解能力,可以进行智能问答、闲聊、教育咨询等多种交互,为用户提供更加便利和快捷的服务。系统聊天记录不会被上传到第三方服务器,用户的隐私得到了更好的保护。
2 utenti
Adds tooltips to webpages for all the creatures, items, and keywords of Slice & Dice™.
2 utenti
Adds some minor quality-of-life improvements to <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/9b7074976ef8e18f18b115ab0e3faefcffb7612d2cdaeeff00e84d240d7a3696/http%3A//cohost.org" rel="nofollow">cohost.org</a>
2 utenti
Copy Title and URL
Copy the title and URL of the current tab to the clipboard from context menu.Copy the title and URL of the current tab to the clipboard from context menu.
2 utenti
Tidier YouTube
Tidier YouTube allows to remove unwanted sections or results from the home and search pages.
2 utenti
Auto Hide Instagram Stories
Automatically clicks 'Hide story from' on Instagram for all users.
2 utenti
TweetStorm.ai: AI-powered Tweet Generator
Generate engaging tweets and replies within seconds from within twitter's website
2 utenti
GPT Ninja
Save ChatGPT responses as PDF files with customizable options.
2 utenti
Discord No Nitro Emoji
Send any emojis everywhere on discord without having Nitro
2 utenti
Collava - Quick Save
Never lose an idea again. Save anything to Collava.app with one click.
2 utenti
共有ツール - Share Tool
2 utenti
Temporary eMail - Temp Email
Generate disposable email addresses instantly. Perfect for signups, avoiding spam, and protecting your privacy online.
2 utenti
Twitter Sidebar Button Hider
Simplify Twitter sidebar UI
2 utenti
All Pass Hub
One Vault For All Your Private Data
2 utenti
Social Blocker
Define your time windows with allowed time for social media. Blocks any social network (or other websites) for all other times during the day.
2 utenti
FB Video Scheduler
Automatically download Facebook videos at scheduled intervals with smart notifications.
2 utenti
Juza Helper
Aggiunge funzionalità al famoso forum e sito fotografico "JuzaPhoto.com"
2 utenti
Site Timer Productivity Helper
A simple extension which allows for soft blacklisting sites to limit time wasting or, "doom scrolling." It supports blacklisting entire domains, or simply paths of domains. Customizable timers and lightweight. Simple in scope and privacy friendly.
2 utenti
Cebod Telecom - Click to call
Click to call extension by Cebod Telecom.
2 utenti
Для тех, кто посто¤нно забывает сменить расскладку
2 utenti
WTR for World of Warships Forum
Colors players' nicknames based on their WRT or ProAlfa ranking. Displays the name of the clan of the player
2 utenti