Spacehey new chat message sound
Plays a 'ping!' sound whenever you receive a new chat message on Spacehey Instant Messages while the tab isn't active.
5 utenti
Get Motivated
Let me motivate you everyday. I won't annoy you, I promise.
5 utenti
Enable submitting forms to a new window/tab.
5 utenti
このアドオンを使用すると通常だと新しいタブで開かれるリンクを現在のタブで開くことができます。 操作方法はアドオンの設定画面から確認してください。 また、明示的に現在のタブで開く時以外の動作はブラウザ設定や他のアドオンの動作に準拠します。 良い感じのプラグインが無かったので自作しました。 使用して発生した問題は一切保証しません。
5 utenti
Timed Mute
After X amount of time mute the tab.
5 utenti
Click for metrics
Converts imperial units to metrics on icon click
5 utenti
Rylee extensie
Track simpel jouw producten van de product pagina met de Rylee tracker (!
5 utenti
Collects simple stats from the opend tabs. Adds ability to open random Tab and hints the user to reduce Tab count.
5 utenti
Daily Tab
Automatically opens tabs at a given time every day.
5 utenti
Copy selected tabs
Add a menu option to copy selected tabs to the clipboard
5 utenti
Quick Switch
Quickly switch between your last active tab and your currently active tab using CTRL+Q Icons made by Freepik from
5 utenti
"Import Waypoint" menu
Find places on the web and import them into your itinerary with one click!
5 utenti
Add soraredata and sofascore search context menu
5 utenti
Spruce - New Tab Backgrounds
High resolution backgrounds for your new tab page.
5 utenti
Selected Tab Links
Adds a tab context menu item to copy URLs of selected tabs to the clipboard. Selection of multiple tabs by shift clicking or control/command clicking is supported.
5 utenti
Container In Title
Modifies the Firefox window title to prepend the current tab's container, if it exists. For filtering/categorizing in time-tracking software, among other things
5 utenti
AWS Login Helper
Say goodbye to repetitive logins; simply log in once to the AWS IAM Identity Center (IIC)/SSO/AWS Apps, and then access the Management Console of any account and role for which you have permission to using Firefox containers in a new tab or window.
5 utenti
Switch to already opened tab
新規タブ画面から何かのWebサイトを開いた時に、同じウィンドウ内に同一のURLを持つタブがあった場合は(そのURLを開く代わりに)そのタブをアクティブにします。 例えば、twitter.comを既に開いている状態で、新しくタブを開いてtwitter.comを開こうとした場合、このアドオンは新しく開いたタブを閉じ、既存のtwitter.comのタブにフォーカスします。
5 utenti
Tab Reloder
The “Tab Reloader” extension offers a convenient way to manage reloading tasks for individual tabs in your browser. Here are the key features:
5 utenti
Pokemon ShowdownSync
Synchronise les teams sur
5 utenti
Bob, a command palette for your browser.
Hi! This is Bob, a command palette for your browser.
5 utenti
Apri Lista di URL
Apri automaticamente un elenco di URL in nuove schede con un ritardo personalizzato tra ognuna.
5 utenti
HideMyUser MozAnd
Дополнение дает возможность скрыть личность пользователя подменяя IP, UA and Cookies в целевом браузере. Формат строки импорта данных: "<proxy> <user_agent> <cookies>" proxy - [ip:port:login:password] user_agent - [user_agent:::user_agen
5 utenti
Task Countdown Timer
Countdown Timer for your next task
4 utenti