Mapillary – Crowdsourced Street Photos
Explore the world with Mapillary street images.
4 utenti
Swipe two to back/forward
This extension allows you to use a touchpad gesture to switch to the previous page or to the next. At the same time, there is a beautiful animation like in the safari or epiphany browser. But the main extension is working properly on wayalnd
4 utenti URL-Shortener Addon
This add-on helps you shorten URLs easily. By clicking the 2a5-icon your actual long and messy URL gets shorten. The shorten representation gets copied to your clipboard to be ready to paste it somewhere else. Other than that: a qr-code is shown.
4 utenti
Zoom Tab Remover
An extension that automatically closes any lingering Zoom tabs that are left in browser after the Zoom meetings are opened. No analytics. No ads. Free.
4 utenti
Phone Number Beautifier
Formats (beautifies) phone numbers with dashes and parenthesis to make them easier to read.
4 utenti
Rylee extensie
Track simpel jouw producten van de product pagina met de Rylee tracker (!
4 utenti
Create tasks from WhatsApp messaCreate tasks from WhatsApp messages
4 utenti
Force a set of tabs to load at startup without being pinned tabs.
4 utenti
Spruce - New Tab Backgrounds
High resolution backgrounds for your new tab page.
4 utenti
Media Queue
Adds a browser action icon to the toolbar. Click on the icon to add links to a queue.
4 utenti
Switch to already opened tab
新規タブ画面から何かのWebサイトを開いた時に、同じウィンドウ内に同一のURLを持つタブがあった場合は(そのURLを開く代わりに)そのタブをアクティブにします。 例えば、twitter.comを既に開いている状態で、新しくタブを開いてtwitter.comを開こうとした場合、このアドオンは新しく開いたタブを閉じ、既存のtwitter.comのタブにフォーカスします。
4 utenti
Displays a sidebar with a stop-watch for how long you've been in url and overall website
4 utenti
Anime Sama Style
Modifier le style Anime Sama, une extension non officielle
4 utenti
Time Machine
An extension to slow down or speed up your browser.
4 utenti
Display Image Inline
Change the response content type and disposition to force images to open in the browser window
4 utenti
4 utenti
Copy a markdown link for the current page.
4 utenti
Container In Title
Modifies the Firefox window title to prepend the current tab's container, if it exists. For filtering/categorizing in time-tracking software, among other things
4 utenti
Bob, a command palette for your browser.
Hi! This is Bob, a command palette for your browser.
4 utenti
Distopia: Discord Fast Login
Enables the Fast Login features for Discord accounts checked with Distopia.
4 utenti
Nebula New Tab
A clean and simple new tab page
4 utenti
Lädt die URLs aller geöffneten Tabs und speichert sie als PDF
4 utenti
Transifex Open Occurrences
Helps to visit "occurrences" of a translation on Transifex.
3 utenti
An extension replacing the right-click menu of Firefox with a doughnut-shaped menu.
3 utenti
New tab page that displays a daily wallpaper and a random funny one-liner.
3 utenti