/r/xTrill Link Fixing Tool
A tool to easily navigate to the download pages from xTrill keys
84 utenti
Google Calendar™ on new Tab
Show Google Calendar when a new tab is opened
84 utenti
Tab search provider for GNOME
Tab search provider for GNOME Shell
84 utenti
Tab Reaper
Bulk close tabs with matching URLs or names. Too many tabs open? Cleanup without clicking through them all. Close all matching the part of the URL or title.
84 utenti
Pinned Microsoft To Do
Abre a aplicação do Microsoft To Do num separador fixo. Opens Microsoft To Do app in a pinned tab.
84 utenti
GitHub Trending, Hacker News and Product Hunt, on every new tab! Devo is a new tab extension that displays GitHub Trending, Hacker News and Product Hunt front pages on every new tab, with no-login required. Devo is completely open-source.
83 utenti
SuperStart New Tab Page
A Firefox Extension that lets you create a customized Start Page Experience
83 utenti
"Play or Pause Tab" Menu Item
Adds a context menu item that will play/pause media on the selected tab.
82 utenti
Messenger for Telegram™
Accesso all'applicazione web di Telegram in una finestra o scheda separata e ricevere una notifica quando si ricevono nuovi messaggi
82 utenti
Snoozz - Snooze Tabs & Windows --Fork
Declutter your browser by snoozing tabs and windows until you actually need them.
82 utenti
Meetingtor: Registra le riunioni online
Registra, trascrivi e riepiloga automaticamente le riunioni online.
81 utenti
QuicKey – The quick tab switcher
Add keyboard shortcuts to switch tabs with a Quicksilver-style search or a most recently used menu
81 utenti
Container Color Toolbar
Black theme toolbar following container color
81 utenti
Extension to manipulate background audio. Can lower/increase volume, add pan and mono per tab. Can also save background sounds per website for future visits.
80 utenti
goto letterboxd
When on a IMDb page, click button to go to corresponding letterboxd page. There was once an addon like this but it got removed(?). Redirect based on https://bookmarkify.it/6479
80 utenti
Force l'affichage du bouton traduire du navigateur
Dans les dernières versions du navigateur Firefox, un bouton dans la barre d'adresses permet de traduire une page, mais parfois celui-ci ne s'affiche pas. Ce module permet de forcer l'affichage du bouton de traduction.
80 utenti
Zendesk Quicktab for Firefox
Well behaved browser tabs for Zendesk agents. Opens Zendesk ticket links in the already open Zendesk tab, instead of opening a new tab. A must have for all Zendesk Agents.
80 utenti
Open With SodaPlayer
Play magnet link or acestream link with Sodaplayer directly from Firefox
79 utenti
Wikipedia Quick Search Extension
1. Highlight the text 2. Right-click with the mouse 3. Click on "Search on Wikipedia"
79 utenti
Double Click On Page Closes Tab
Double click on a page to close the current tab.
79 utenti
Forget Tab
Forget current tab's history, storage, cookies and more with just one click!
79 utenti
Set Aside Tabs
Set aside tabs and restore them later.
79 utenti
Bookmark-based browser start page
79 utenti
Stellar Photos
Experience a beautiful photo from Unsplash every time you open a new browser tab. Each image is specially curated and guaranteed to be stunning each time.
78 utenti
Text 2 Speech (TTS)
This is an addon that helps to convert text to speech
78 utenti