ff2mpv (for Windows)
Also tries to play links in mpv. Adapted for Windows. Send videos from Firefox to the mpv player using a toolbar button, context menu or keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+Space). Requires configuration: https://github.com/eastmarch/ff2mpv
71 utenti
Media Tools - Convert, Split & Extract
Manipulate media files (video & audio) via FFmpeg commands right in your browser.
71 utenti
Scroll pages in VIM style, using j and k shortcuts.
71 utenti
Go With Phone
This extension creates a qrcode for the current url.
70 utenti
ABC JS-CSS Injector
A injector extension for Firefox users.
70 utenti
Pile - lightweight bookmarking
Store links for later review with a single click of a button.
69 utenti
Use Alt+Shift with the left and right arrow keys to navigate your tabs in the order you've used them. Alt+Shift+◀ to go back, Alt+Shift+▶ to go forward. Simple like that.
69 utenti
Markdown New Tab
Take down notes 🗒️, save reminders ⏰, paste links 🔗, create checklists ☑️ all using markdown... directly in your New Tab!
69 utenti
Startup Bookmarks
Open sets of bookmarks as tabs on browser startup by selecting a bookmark folder which contains them
69 utenti
Affixa - Gmail (TM) Draft Display
Shows new draft messages in an existing Gmail tab.
69 utenti
Makes tabs addressable by ctrl+[1-9] keystrokes Source: https://github.com/farnoy/addressable-tabs
69 utenti
PNG Optimizer
Optimize PNG images and reduce the file size right in your browser!
69 utenti
Simple Temporary Containers
Isolate tabs in temporary containers. Uses only the minimum permissions and stores no data.
68 utenti
Reading List Micro
A minimal Firefox extension for saving pages to read later. Main idea of this extension – to provide "most minimal" extension and native-like experience.
68 utenti
Learn Japanese in every new tab without even realizing it!
68 utenti
Prevents intempestive opening of popups from website links and scripts.
68 utenti
Import URLs (as bookmarks or tabs)
Import URLs from the clipboard or a text file and opens them as loaded or unloaded tabs or save them as bookmarks
67 utenti
Dark Moodle
Dark theme for UBS Moodle
67 utenti
YouTube Pauser
Single click the icon to play/pause the leftmost YouTube tab, double click to skip. The icon shows elapsed time and video length.
67 utenti
Close Tabs to the right button
Adds a button that closes the right tabs of the selected tab.
67 utenti
URL Alias
URL Alias allows the user to define a short alias for a url, in order to access websites faster from the address bar.
67 utenti
الاضافة تساعدك على وضع ملاحظاتك تلقائيا مطورة من قبل : بوشارب خالد
67 utenti
Dont Open Duplicate Tabs
Addon, to prevent the opening of tabs with urls, which are already opened (in the same context)
66 utenti
Reload on Idle
Reloads specified tabs on idle to reduce memory usage.
66 utenti
The no-code, data extraction and work automation platform.
66 utenti