Alexa RANK
Alexa Traffic Rank is Alexa Internet's free extension for Mozilla. Alexa Traffic Rank accompanies you as you surf, providing you with data about the sites you visit without interrupting your browsing.
312 utenti
Demandware with ease
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Switch map services, and some useful links for OpenStreetMap contributors
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Cache Cleaner
Modern Browser Addon to easily clean selected cache items for specific sites or the whole browser with a single key press, from the right-click context menu or via the toolbar icon popup. Allows clearing Cache Storage in Firefox for the current site.
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Easy Steam Collection
This will create an easier way to add all of your addons to any stream collection you create in a single click.
305 utenti
YT Nonstop
No more 'Video paused. Continue watching?' confirmation box! And with two extra options: 1) disable autoplay; 2) loop playlist.
305 utenti
SiteAnalyzer SEO Tools
SiteAnalyzer SEO Tools è un'estensione del browser che è un insieme di strumenti per l'analisi del sito, l'audit tecnico (link, immagini, meta tag, contenuto, indicizzazione, ecc.), l'analisi degli URL e la correzione degli errori SEO.
305 utenti
Twitch Text Emotes - temotes
Save your favorite text phrases ("LULW", "KEKW", emoticons, etc.) directly into the standard Twitch Emotes panel and use them in Twitch chat. Simple and useful.
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CSS Spider
The fastest and easiest way to check, copy and edit CSS
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VPN Master - Free HTTP and SOCKS Proxies
A free reliable VPN solution based on HTTP, SOCKS4, and SOCKS5 proxy servers
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SeLite SQLite Connection Manager
It manages SQLite DB connection(s). It can be used with other extensions from SeLite family, or on its own.
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Generates file with AWS STS Keys after logging in to AWS webconsole using SSO (SAML 2.0). It leverages 'assumeRoleWithSAML' API.
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Twitter Video Downloader MP3 MP4
New Firefox Extension Twitter Video Downloader MP3 MP4 let you easy download any content from Twitter in few steps. Get any Video from Twitter and Download it in MP3, MP4, M4A and other best quality formats. Download video from Twitter TT with FF.
299 utenti
HTML Content Blocker
Blocks desired HTML contents (script, style, image, object, media)
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QR Code
Add 'QR Code' Encoding Functions. "QR Code" is registered by DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.
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Try IT Yourself HTML5 editor
Fast & offline editor for your HTML5 web apps and experiments
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Base64 Encoder and Decoder
Link Webbie Firefox add on that enables you to encode and decode strings in base64.
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PageRank Replacement by LinkResearchTools
The LRT Power*Trust metric helps you evaluate the quality and trustworthiness of a domain or page you are currently visiting.
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CSP Content Security Policy Generator
Best Content-Security-Policy generator to automatically create Strict CSP policies (with SHA support) for any website.
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Loadster Recorder
Create test scripts to run in Loadster.
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Cloudflare Optics
Cloudflare Optics is a browser extension that helps display interesting information when you visit a site, particularly if that site is proxied through Cloudflare.
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Fire Source Viewer
Your rapid source code viewer
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JavaScript Errors Notifier
Notifies JavaScript errors by icon in toolbar bar or notification popup GitHub → Test page →
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Table Data Export
Table export plugin gives you the ability to easily export HTML tables to the CSV. For best results, click on edit table Identifier Defaults. Then select table identifier either class or id. Then enter table class/id (from inspect element method).
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Fetch all the URLs that the Wayback Machine knows about for a domain
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