Material Design Colors Picker
Copy a Material Design Color in one click in either #HEX, HEX, RGB and RGBA format.
266 utenti
Sitemap Explorer: Check and View XML Sitemaps
This extension helps you find, inspect, export, and view XML Sitemap files for any site you navigate in a browser.
264 utenti
Custom CSS
Overwrite or inject custom CSS into website.
263 utenti
Compteur de carte Trello
Cette extension permet de toujours afficher le nombre de cartes d'une liste dans un tableau Trello. Cette extension utilise des fonctionnalités natives sans JavaScript pour garantir des performances optimales.
262 utenti
Custom Site JS
Run your own (per url or domain) custom JavaScript on sites.
262 utenti
Postwoman 中文版 - REQRES.CN
为使用 Postwoman Web 版应用程序提供更好的体验。 你没用过 Postwoman 吗?这可是一个惊人的,免费、快速、漂亮的 API 测试请求工具。 请访问
260 utenti
Open Two-Factor Authenticator
A sync-able open-source two-factor authenticator
260 utenti
Palette Creator
Creates a color palette from any image. Just right-click on the image and select the 'Palette Creator' option.
259 utenti
Remove Site Cookies
Remove Site Cookies
257 utenti
Time Zone Converter - Savvy Time
Time zone and local time converter. Compare and convert time between many locations at a time.
256 utenti
Awesome Timestamp
Convert timestamps to datetime and datetime to timestamps.
256 utenti
Assets CDN
256 utenti
Allows you to change font/style; also adds cheats
254 utenti
Displays the current viewport size when resizing the browser window.
254 utenti
ARIA DevTools
Easily spot missing ARIA labels, misused ARIA roles, and incomplete keyboard support in your web applications.
253 utenti
Open in Opera
Open current page, link, or all tabs in the Opera browser.
252 utenti
Color Picker
Pick up amazing color on one click
251 utenti
Allows you to change font/style; also adds cheats
251 utenti
JS Injector
Inject JavaScript custom code into every webpage (e.g. to help with debugging).
250 utenti Reporter
Adds a button to allow users to easily report site compatibility issues at, for the active tab.
249 utenti
Passwork Auto Logon
Use your Passwork accounts to auto signin on web sites in one click.
249 utenti
Get insight into the performance of the website in the current tab - sort of a mini live version of WebPageTest.
248 utenti
Image Map Editor
Kontrolle und Bearbeitung der Image Maps in der Webseite mit Lupe.
248 utenti
IE NetRenderer button
Displays a snapshot of the current page as viewed in various Internet Explorer versions, provided by IE NetRenderer webservice.
248 utenti
Javascript Control
Add a button in the url bar to block or enable javascript per-site. Default is javascript disabled.
248 utenti