Pause - Stop Impulse Shopping
Pause makes you think twice about shopping whenever you visit Amazon, Walmart, Etsy, or any other online store. Pause will block you from the website for 30 seconds so you can really decide if you want to spend money right now.
9 users
Alibaba Container
Isolate your activity on Alibaba-owned platforms (Alibaba, Aliexpress, 1688, and more) from the rest of your web activity.
9 users
VIEWTEST - Amazon Image Testing
The testing tool will allow the user to enter their own product main picture and to see it as if it was selling on amazon.
9 users
Game Assistant
Game Assistant compares game's prices between Epic Games, Gog and Steam and notify about the best offer. Also a user can create his own list with games which prices he want to track and get notifications about its changes.
9 users
Quick Search for Amazon
Select a product name in current browser tab and click the popup to get the product price
9 users
Search for Sheet Music
Search for Sheet Music plus Audio Files to download instantly! A powerful advanced search tool to find your sheet music with a right click
9 users
Total des comptes au CreditMutuel
Ajoute un bouton pour calculer la somme des comptes sur la page des comptes du site Crédit Mutuel.
9 users
Get Raiven. Get savin'. Never miss a better option while purchasing online by checking your unique pricing and product availability while you shop online.
9 users
Quickly sort <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> game listings by Price, Discount or Number of Ratings and Export them as CSV.
9 users
ProtonDB on Steam
This extension displays the ProtonDB rating of a game on Steam
9 users
Pepper Grid
Brings back the best grid layout for Pepper websites. The layout is as close as possible to the old grid layout while making full use of the workspace. If something breaks or doesn't work, please report on Discord (coust8894) or
9 users
Ruch Chorzów - Oficjalny dodatek do aplikacji
Oficjalny dodatek do Firefox do oficjalnej aplikacji Ruchu Chorzów! Ten dodatek będzie Ci przypominał, gdzie Twoje zakupy będą wspierały Ruch Chorzów. To bardzo proste.
9 users
Cherry Pick - Maximize Credit Card Rewards
Find the best card in your wallet for every purchase
9 users
Cálculos Mercado Livre BR
Exibe informações extras sobre um anúncio
8 users
Saste me
Compare prices, price history graph for products in Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal, Ebay, Paytm, Shopclues, Tatacliq, Homeshop18, etc.
8 users
Grossyield | Investment property deal finder
Grossyield helps future buyers and real estate investors find properties with good return of investment by providing insightful data on properties listed on major websites. The extension is compatible with Centris, Duproprio, Remax, Realtor, and more
8 users
An extension to simplify clipping coupons. One click clips your coupons. Supported sites: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>, <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
8 users
OnlineShoppingTools - Automatic Coupons
Save money and earn rewards when you shop online.
8 users
Book vacation rentals and hotels without paying commissions and booking fees.
8 users
Replace Marstoy website text
Replace text with the first image from a search result after text manipulation, bit crazy how these lead to lego sets whenever you flip the moc number
8 users
ZenLite - Facebook Poster
If you're posting inventory on Facebook Marketplace and want an easier way to manage it from home, try our Zen-LITE extension. Streamline your process with ease right from your laptop or desktop!
8 users
AppAgg Search
Search for highlighted text on AppAgg via the context menu. Select text. Right click. Search AppAgg for the selected text. Or, Type 'aa' and SPACE in the address bar to search AppAgg site.
8 users
Sort By Review Count on Amazon
Sort By Review Count for Amazon sorts product search results by most reviewed.
8 users
C.S.F.R. Delft Acquisitie
Sponsor C.S.F.R. Delft bij aankopen die u doet, zonder dat het u iets kost! Met behulp van deze extensie wordt automatisch de affiliate links van C.S.F.R. Delft geladen zodra u begint met shoppen. Zo sponsort u de vereniging, zonder moeite of kosten!
8 users
ShopBuddy for Australia: Cash Back Companion
Deals, Coupons & Cash Back on offer with ShopBuddy, powered by <a href="" rel="nofollow">AU.SHOP.COM</a>.
8 users