URL Original
Protects users against website impersonation and phishing, ensuring safe browsing and personal data protection.
7 users
Sniffo.pl - produkty z dwoma rabatami
Tysiące świeżych promocji do -70% każdego dnia. A do tego… drugi rabat od Sniffo!
6 users
Cerca sconti su Amazon.it
Aiuta a trovare prodotti scontati su <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/cefea3459897dc2bd502ae19951353a3bcf119c9b59ae5a4d5ec7e3aa9aa5147/http%3A//Amazon.it" rel="nofollow">Amazon.it</a>
6 users
This is a assistant of Rizhuanwang, which helps users quickly add goods to shopping carts.(这是日转网的小助手,帮助用户快速添加商品到购物车)
6 users
Scroll up
Ever been stuck at the bottom of an infinite scrolling page? Simply right click and choose 'Scroll Up' or click on the popup.
6 users
Random McMaster Page
A browser extension that takes you to a random page on <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/38da3a3ed0c52aece78ac5882208a0c26e10c9cb9c023fa2d00e88e87635de7e/http%3A//mcmaster.com" rel="nofollow">http://mcmaster.com</a>, helping you discover new products and solutions easily.
6 users
<a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/929246d2a2c6e02bc4566733e8f4189c6561673b634eb98ce23afb40a39f02ae/http%3A//Kaero.be" rel="nofollow">Kaero.be</a> - Economisez grâce au cashback en Belgique
6 users
Mercado Libre USDT
Precio mercadolibre en USDT.
6 users
Etihad Guest Reward Card
Use your Etihad Guest Miles for online shopping. Load or view your Visa Reward Card at the checkout without leaving the page!
6 users
Amazon Smile (when logged in)
Redirect Amazon requests to smile subdomain only if you're logged in.
6 users
Ebay Shipping Display
Display shipping time estimate and shipping method for ALL items on the search page
6 users
ERLI.pl- wyszukiwarka
Dodaje wyszukiwarkę serwisu <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/321183f21e5b43e59887171c757dd7e10ca1a4a1bb6a800b5ce46902cd1c0af8/http%3A//ERLI.pl" rel="nofollow">ERLI.pl</a>
6 users
将淘口令指向的商品在浏览器中打开. 将要转换的淘口令(如:veS91y9a0aR)粘贴在输入框中,点击打开按钮,会打开淘口令指向的商品。
6 users
Tlačítko Tomikup
Tomikup tlačítko se zobrazí při návštěvě libovolného e-shopu. Přidejte produkt do svého wishlistu pouhými dvěma kliky. Anebo si takto uložte nápad na dárek pro přítele. Až přijdou Vánoce či narozeniny, víte přesně co koupit. Konec zbytečných dárků!
6 users
アキバエクスプローラー Plugin
アニメグッズオンラインショップの特典をアニメグッズ特典まとめサイト「アキバエクスプローラー」と連携して手軽にの特典の比較ができます。 対応ショップはアニメイト、ゲーマーズ、とらのあな、メロンプックス、アキバソフマップ、、COMIC ZIN、三洋堂書店、まんが王、書泉、TSUTAYA、タワーレコード、コロムビアミュージックショップ、<a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/5ad30ee53ad4b27ffcf8a1b9d272e1fb6b6e6cda5d339832b3c962aaf27cbadb/http%3A//amazon.co.jp" rel="nofollow">amazon.co.jp</a>、楽天ブックスです。
6 users
Simple ToDo extension for Firefox. ToDo tasks are synced with firefox account. These tasks can be accessed and modified from all the devices where firefox is linked.
6 users
AliDown Plus - AliExpress Images Downloader
One Click: Download AliExpress Product Images & Description for Your Dropshipping Business.
6 users
Redesigned bookmark experience. Make links visible! Block other ones or search results from being ever shown on the page if you like
6 users
Search Params Remover
a browser extension helps you surf without utm_source and fbclid
6 users
Shoppingbuddy helpt je goedkopere producten te vinden terwijl je aan het shoppen bent
6 users
Bandcamp Merch Sorter
Reorganizes bandcamp merch for easier shopping, moving sold out items to the bottom of the page.
6 users
Tired of having dozens of bookmarks with clothes and product you want to buy ? ShopToList allows you to save your items and get notifications in case the price drops.
6 users
Fetchify Address Lookup
Fetchify Address Lookup extension for various systems, including Bigcommerce, Shopify, Shopify Plus and Salesforce.
6 users
Single-Page Amazon Return Labels
When printing return labels on Amazon, remove unnecessary information so that the label might fit on one page.
6 users
Postmates Dark Mode
Provides dark mode for Postmates Order Tracking Screen
6 users