Конверт валют bankiros
Калькулятор курсов валют – автоматический перевод валют из одной денежной единицы в другую по курсу ЦБ РФ.
6 users
Postmates Dark Mode
Provides dark mode for Postmates Order Tracking Screen
6 users
MIA Club
Jsem paní Lupa, která Vás upozorní na slevy v e-shopech, na kterých právě nakupujete.
6 users
Detach Same Origin Tabs
Shows the amount of tabs with the same origin as the active one and allows to move them into a seperate window for inspection
6 users
ALM Coupon Codes Finder
وفّر المزيد من المال عند التسوق من متاجرك المفضلة - مكتشف الاكواد يبحث عن افضل كود خصم, يجربه و من ثم يضيفه تلقائيا قبل الدفع.
6 users
Discount Bandit
Get Your Products Data From Your Own Server , ( Requires Discount Bandit Github )
6 users
Set ebay default search parameters
Always start your eBay search for items with your specified default filters.
6 users
GoRaise Donation Reminder
Raise money for your favourite cause every time you shop online, it's simple, free & fair.
6 users
Somma Tutto Amazon
Questa estensione permette di visualizzare il conto totale di ogni tua lista creata su Amazon.
6 users
Hide Fiverr Balance
Hides the earned total balance of seller from the <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/2242893d7244c72da879cc511451d28322e9fc4992b4569759724faa30db3857/http%3A//fiverr.com" rel="nofollow">fiverr.com</a> homepages, helps you avoid awkward situations when someone stares at your screen and sees your total balance.
6 users
China Post Tracking [My Parcels]
China Post Tracking - Parcel Tracker & Manager
6 users
Displays ethical scores for companies to help you make ethical online shopping choices
5 users
Dropshipping Blocker (Discontinued)
An extension to prevent you from buying dropshipping products and get them directly from aliexpress instead DISCONTINUED. See blog post on <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/9998613f5cbc8b2e3eb58df98f8362c03e97acc8bbe434412db176c94a55a412/https%3A//www.indiehackers.com/product/dropshipping-blocker" rel="nofollow">https://www.indiehackers.com/product/dropshipping-blocker</a>
5 users
DMMLSite comparer / dmm.co.jp とdlsite.com の価格を比較
<a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/2691981cbfc910b391f708b2bf360443c84b00ea92c35bd975085dcc22720ccd/http%3A//dmm.co.jp" rel="nofollow">dmm.co.jp</a> / <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/ea61e338d74672e395c2d468e8e147c14a89242ddc9ce3d66cd1c90280de442f/http%3A//dlsite.com" rel="nofollow">dlsite.com</a> の価格比較ブラウザ拡張
5 users
Sold by Amazon Button
Add a 'Ship and Sold by Amazon' filter to Amazon results.
5 users
Coupon Booklet
Store coupons for websites. No external websites that suggest you deals involved. Just your coupon codes with all the needed details.
5 users
Удобное отслеживание посылок по трек номеру, в международном и Российском форматах (AliExpress, GearBest, Почта России и др.). Показ динамики цен.
5 users
finfo.tw 保費試算資訊外掛
Insurance fees calculation for <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/c8f40609dbfd4f4a5a1625c3bc8267745b61a357d18aa7f02eec26c8d6b685ca/http%3A//finfo.tw" rel="nofollow">finfo.tw</a>
5 users
Entegra Shopping Assistant
The Entegra Shopping Assistant is a browser extension that makes it easy for Entegra clients to maximize their contract product purchasing as they shop for food products.
5 users
Alerte Bons Plans Hubside
Grâce à l'alerte Bons Plans Hubside n'oubliez plus jamais de gagner du cashback lors de vos achats
5 users
Mein eBay sortiert (bald endend)
Das Addon tut nur 2 Sachen: - Aufrufen des Links "<a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/ed2df661d864cc37fa3edf42d278a9217234e50c455b483d833438f689250eb8/https%3A//www.ebay.de/myb/Summary%3FMyEbay&gbh=1%23WatchListContainer%3FsortId=25">https://www.ebay.de/myb/Summary?MyEbay&gbh=1#WatchListContainer?sortId=25</a>" - Auf <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/d9c841d1a5b0929132529fb2921e54438a09135c89f79f0e904f38e74e205b8f/http%3A//ebay.de">ebay.de</a> wird "Mein eBay" (<a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/e3c05420e1bb9745f30fa95a4ef64cebb0c9b14a8f0dcc7b61460c2f269c7904/https%3A//my.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll%3FMyEbay&gbh=1">https://my.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?MyEbay&gbh=1</a>) durch obigen link ersetzt
5 users
CashBack Génération
CashBackGénération vous rembourse un pourcentage de vos achats chez nos partenaires. Nous vous indiquons également des codes de réduction que vous pouvez utiliser sur les sites marchands partenaires pour faire encore plus d'économies.
5 users
WowApp Cashback Assistant
Make sure you always get the best deal! The WowApp Shopping Cashback Assistant alerts you about cashback deals and compares cashback amounts for you right in the search results page.
5 users
Sold by Official
Shop products sold by e-commerce websites themselves only
5 users
ASU RateMyProfessors
Adds Rate My Professors data to the ASU course catalog in the form of tooltips that appear when hovering over a professor's name
5 users