Long Scroll für Kleinanzeigen
Ermöglicht es bei ebay Kleinanzeigen unendlich zu scrollen, um neue Anzeigen zu sehen (infinite scroll).
8 users
En naviguant sur internet, tu peux soutenir des associations et des projets qui te tiennent à cœur.
8 users
AntiCompulsif : Achetez en Conscience
L'extension qui dit tout haut ce que les plateformes e-commerce préfèrent cacher !
8 users
Search by Image on eBay
Search products on eBay by image. Find same or similar products with lower price.
8 users
Currency Converter Popup
Displays the converted currency in a popup bubble when highlighting numbers on a page.
8 users
顔をwebページに追加しましょう! FACEアイコンをクリックし、'Show'をオンにするとFACEが表示されます。FACEはカーソルについてきます。クリックすると止まり、またクリックすると動き出します。 FACEは変更可能です。 URL欄にお好みの画像のURLを入れreturnを押すとFACEが変わります。 自分の顔をFACEにすれば、ネットショッピングに便利です。 洋服の画像にFACEを当ててどの色味が似合うか確認してみましょう。 ※画像データは一切取得していません
8 users
Rozšíření, díky kterému už nikdy při nakupování nezapomenete podpořit svůj klub.
8 users
wonderbar - Vorteilsmelder
wonderbar informiert Dich, ob bei einem Onlineshop CashBack, Gutscheine oder Deals verfügbar sind.
8 users
Refermate Anywhere
Refer and earn commission, or shop and earn cash back. Choose from over 30,000 of your favorite online stores.
8 users
Instant Prime Search
Search Amazon Prime instantly from your browser and save on shipping Instantly search for products available for shipping FREE on Amazon via Prime. Simply click on the amazon icon and manually enter the product name.
8 users
Better Amazon Experience
Filter Amazon products by negative words and price
8 users
Ali Link Fixer
Fix Aliexpress annoying links. You will be able to open links with new tab on <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/bfc47caa67c2fa4638d21aec09c52e0fc8072181c9dde611b95cd373834d3824/http%3A//Aliexpress.com" rel="nofollow">Aliexpress.com</a>
8 users
My Notes XXL
My Notes XXL has been discontinued, If you want a 100% similar plugin, with frequent updates, please take a look at My Notes <a href="https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/my-notes-small/" rel="nofollow">https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/my-notes-small/</a>
8 users
Meilleurtaux Box
Meilleurtaux Box, ajoutez une dimension Crédit à vos recherches immobilières, et retournez facilement vers vos annonces favorites.
8 users
H2Home Extension
Extension for H2Home Platform. It allows to easily add products to your lists on <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/e898e809cddb9c58af6f2bea97aa43421eab245a1d57bc22353eb001aaa221b0/http%3A//h2home.pl" rel="nofollow">h2home.pl</a>
8 users
Filter favorites
Filter your favorites on Vinted by size, availability, price and search term and sort by price. This addon is not affiliated with Vinted and I take no responsibility for the use of this addon.
8 users
Maximize cashback on your favorite stores and unlock exclusive offers on financial products — all in one powerful browser extension.
8 users
Currency Converter, Affiliate
Real-time multiple currency converter, PNR Status and affiliate shopping for flipkart, snapdeal, nearbuy & All countries of Amazon
7 users
Bitcoin Track
Simple Bitcoin Tracker
7 users
Airbnb Total
Mad that you always have to click a property to see the details? Airbnb Total is here to ease that pain. Have everything listed out for you right from the start, Cleaning Fee, Service Fee, Total per nights of stay. Want more? Just leave a comment.
7 users
Read Up - look up book level
Automatically lookup book reading levels (Lexile, ATOS, GRL) making it easy for parents & teachers to find books for young readers
7 users
Alternatives To Big Tech
Does this website censor others? If so, our extension will add a red notification to the top of the page and offer alternatives. The Alternatives To Big Tech extension helps you fight back against corporate censorship!
7 users
Tesouro Direto - Preço teórico
Exibe o preço teórico de um investimento no Tesouro Direto
7 users
Couponix.dk - Få rabat på dine online køb
Nu kan du finde besparelser nemmere end aldrig før! Med vores udvidelse får du vist rabatkoder og tilbud hos hundredvis af netbutikker, så du nemt og hurtigt kan spare penge på dine online køb!
7 users
Mijn Verlanglijst
Met de Mijn Verlanglijst-knop voeg je tijdens het shoppen heel gemakkelijk artikelen uit webwinkels toe aan je verlanglijstje.
7 users