문법.com - AI Korean Grammar Checker
Checks your spelling, spacing and grammar. Get instant suggestions wherever you're writing.
6 users
Anki JPDB Reader
Japanese text parsing + sentence mining with JPDB and Anki
6 users
Mini Translator
Translate a text to a different language
6 users
Kanji Meaning
Allows you to quickly see the meaning and reading of kanji.
6 users
6 users
Dictionary, Translation & Text-to-Speech
Quickly search a definition, translate inline or read out loud. This tool is a curated selection of major dictionaries and TTS services.
6 users
Translate selected text on Google Translate
Opens new tab with Google Translate for selected text. Currently only English to Polish, but will expand soon.
6 users
ekezetesito kezikeszulek
Magyar nyelvű szöveg automatikus ékezetesítése / Hungarian spelling corrector
6 users
Improve English Vocabulary
Improve your english vocabulary with word cards every time you open a new tab.
6 users
Chercher sur Dictionnaire-japonais
Cherche le texte sélectionné sur <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/d7220f28d2f973626dc4a0e50b32c0b0b6df50eceb647ed8cf190a0522f1e54b/http%3A//dictionnaire-japonais.com" rel="nofollow">dictionnaire-japonais.com</a>; modified from <a href="https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/kitsun-io-search/" rel="nofollow">Ollie's Kitsun.io Search</a>
6 users
Une extension pour vous abriter des fautes courantes et des barbarismes (anglicismes et écriture inclusive)
6 users
Languages.ai Extension
Translates words and enables you to save them to your lists and to repeat them everywhere on the web.
6 users
[ZNI] Netflix euskaraz
Eusko Jaurlaritzak Open Data Euskadi atarian argitaraturiko azpidatziak Netflixen automatikoki kargatzen dituen gehigarria da.
6 users
Anki Hanja Creator
Create Hanja flashcards from <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/90abf48cded5596f5749d98de845082517e9a1585519f693e187a377473b11be/http%3A//hanja.dict.naver.com" rel="nofollow">hanja.dict.naver.com</a> for Anki!
6 users
API subs for asbplayer
API subs for asbplayer
6 users
AI Buddy - ChatGPT Everywhere
Use chatGPT everywhere, in every input field, start by typing gpt: and end your prompt with a semi colon (;)
6 users
Context menu to translate with OALD
5 users
Text to Speech for Firefox. Just enable the plugin and then select the text you want to listen to. If the plugin is enabled you will notice a red line surrounding the webpage.
5 users
Lookup In Popup
Lookup selected textLookup selected texts in the popup on your preferred search engine, and open links in the popups.
5 users
5 users
Page Translator 3
Translate any page and text using Google Translate or Yandex Translate.
5 users
aday語音報讀 text to speech
使用系統內建的語音進行網頁報讀 text to speech
5 users
This extension shows spelling and grammar proofing results for Malay language.
5 users
Offline Translation
Enables offline translation capabilities.
5 users
テキストボックスやテキストエリアに入力した文字数を数える拡張機能です。 Web サイト上のテキストボックスやテキストエリアに入力された文字数をカウントし、表示します。
5 users