lina_dicto for webextension
word translate esperanto to japanese. lina_dicto for webextension は、ブラウザ上でEsperantoの単語の上にマウスオーバーすると、日本語翻訳をホバー表示(ツールチップ表示)するブラウザ拡張です。
4 users
Duolingo Swahili+
This extension provides users with audio during Swahili lessons on Duolingo
4 users
Sentence Follower
Highlights the current sentence when hovering over text
4 users
Context menu to translate with OALD
4 users
Converts text on a webpage between hiragana and katakana.
4 users
Translate Netflix captions.
4 users
ValidateX - HTML & XML Validator
Validates HTML and XML markup against W3C standards
4 users
Add Pinyin (Websites and Subtitles)
Adds Simplified Chinese pinyin to Chinese text on the page, and to subtitles in some streaming services. Also allows for the generation of Anki flashcards from subtitles or page selections
4 users
Alerts users when specified websites change content or structure
4 users
This extension shows spelling and grammar proofing results for Malay language.
4 users
Genius Translator
Translate the lyrics to a song on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
4 users
Transliterate web page content between latin and kiril Mongolian.
4 users
Quotes Database Search
Think of any quote and search for the full quote in 1-Click. Click to view the quote, and click to copy the quote to your clipboard. KnowYourQuotes - The fastest, largest database online. Addon uses 3rd party site (<a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>)
4 users
CDIEXT - Chinese Dictionary Pop-Up Extension
A pop-up dictionary extension for Chinese with Reader Function
4 users
Cloud Translate
A translation extension uses translation services cloud provider provides. I currently support the following cloud services(Amazon Translate, Microsoft Azure Translator, Google Cloud Translation AI).
4 users
Smart Typography
Improve the typography of any website by using proper quotation marks and dashes.
4 users
Литера 5
Расширение добавляет к редактируемым текстовым полям на веб-страницах пользователя новую кнопку Л5. Кнопка запускает проверку содержимого на соответствие нормам и правилам русского языка с помощью инструментов веб-сервиса Литера5.
4 users
Font Picker
A simple helper to identify font details from any website
4 users
YouTube No Title Translate
Rewrites YT video titles back to default language. Includes currently watched video, lists in front page and video suggestions.
4 users
Write Better
English grammar suggestions for better writing
4 users
Kurdish Unicode - Ali K Converter
Convert between Kurdish Unicode and Ali-K, with features such as light/dark modes, drag-and-drop, and quick triple-click copying.
4 users
ISERV Volume change
can change the volume of the iserv conference module
4 users
LLM Translator
LLM-Translator is a browser extension that uses the OpenAI-like API for translation.
4 users
Vocabulary Words Highlighter
This extension highlights the words on the webpage you are viewing. 高亮显示英文网页中的高级词汇
4 users
Copy and Translate to Bengali
This Firefox extension allows users to quickly copy and translate text from any webpage. With a simple right-click, users can copy selected text and choose a language for translation. The extension supports multiple languages and provides fast, accur
4 users