فارسیسازی و راستچینسازی بخشهایی از سایت chat.qwenlm.ai | Persian and RTL support for Qwen Chat.
4 users
Basically just Russel Simmons' subadub, but with the subtitle background at full opacity. This allows you to hide your native language subtitles underneath, to access them only when needed by pressing "s".
4 users
nekotsume IME
Efficient and privacy-friendly Japanese IME for (almost) any website in your web browser!
4 users
Frag Caesar Suche Erweiterung
Fügt eine Suchoption für <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/3db1df612e6227e114191ec0dad413f715e7593b12b0e3d5a693d26b457f28c3/http%3A//frag-caesar.de" rel="nofollow">frag-caesar.de</a> hinzu. Durch den Button unten an der Suchleiste kann ein Begriff sofort über <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/3db1df612e6227e114191ec0dad413f715e7593b12b0e3d5a693d26b457f28c3/http%3A//frag-caesar.de" rel="nofollow">frag-caesar.de</a> gesucht werden.
4 users
VirastYaar is a semi-intelligent editing assistant for Persian texts. that is a add-in for Web browers, that performs Persian spell checking(soon), character standardization, Pinglish transliteration, punctuation correction calendar conversion,...
4 users
Māori Dictionary Search
Select words and right-click to search for them in Te Aka (online Māori Dictionary).
4 users
Fast translator
Select any text on page, and press 't' three times to view translated phrase!
4 users
Nepali Typing Extension
A Firefox extension to help with Nepali typing.
4 users
Pronunciation for English words showing its IPA and playing its audio.
4 users
MyRW :: My text ReWriter
The Free Article Rewriter Tool Welcome to the MyRW web-app, A free but unique text rewriting tool. A tool that allows you to rewrite paragraphs, sentences, articles, essays and other written material.
4 users
DictZone francia-magyar szótár
Ez egy online francia szótár oldal kiegészítője. A kijelölt szövegre jobb gombbal kattintva tudsz keresni.
4 users
Translates a text into English
4 users
あなたは怪しい日本語をFirefoxで生成することができます! (You can generate suspicious Japanese in Firefox!)
4 users
Vocabu Cards
Translate words & phrases inline while browsing then repeat them via spaced repetition
4 users
Māori Dictionary Lookup
Look up selected word at <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/4b4afcc3c3b650b7f2e724e294e50d5141d1e7f75e45920ca67132b108f2e6ff/http%3A//maoridictionary.com" rel="nofollow">maoridictionary.com</a>
4 users
Translation of selected text or a fully web-site from any language to any language
4 users
Add OALD Search Engine
Add OALD Search Engine
4 users
Japanese Dictionary
Shift+hover over text to quickly perform dictionary lookups.
4 users
Summarize large texts using Cohere API. Users can select a chunk of text, add using the extension, summarize them and display the summary on the extension window.
4 users
If you see a Nazi, say Nazi
3 users
BØF me
Change Brøndby to BØF
3 users
Adds a button that allows to delete line breaks in the textarea of DeepL.
3 users
Huilo Mode
Заменяет слово Путин на хуйло.
3 users
WinnerWare Extension
The WinnerWare Extension automatically activates across all supported websites. As you type in any textarea input—whether it's a form field, or comment box -WinnerWare enhances your text in real-time!
3 users