Bridging the gap between theory and practice.
3 users
VietPhrase extension
Vietphrase converter for chinese webpage to Vietnamese with strucphrase ability
3 users
简体中文转换为繁体中文 繁体中文转换为简体中文
3 users
Ukrainian Transliterator
Transliterates Ukrainian text from Cyrillic to Latin script
3 users
Myanmar Pop-up Dictionary
Translate English words into Myanmar and Lai languages.
3 users
3 users
WhatsApp Quick Reply
在WhatsApp Web上存储和自动填充预设回复
3 users
Right-aligns the ChatGPT and DEEPSEEK page for Persian users.
3 users
Download Longman Audio
Download audio on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>.
3 users
Bias Shield
Push back against bias in machine translation
3 users
Add a context menu option to selections to translate the selection.
3 users
Find Acronyms Quickly (FAQ)
Find Acronyms Quickly (FAQ) lets you look up acronyms or abbreviations by selecting them with your cursor and right clicking
3 users
5e Tools Enhancer
Enhances the website with additional features.
3 users
SteamCMD Link Converter
Automatically converts Steam Workshop URLs to SteamCMD download commands.
3 users
arabKey tools
Useful tools for the Arabic language, Convert keyboard language programmatically. This extension helps convert any Arabic text written with an English keyboard back to Arabic letters.
3 users
Encode and decode morse code.
3 users
Thai Text Enlarger
Enlarges Thai characters
3 users
Get the meaning of words that you don't know when reading. It will help you stay on the page.
3 users
dictionary configurer
The extension can enable spell checking for all fields on a page or on all pages of all sites by default. Also it lets you choose which spell checking dictionaries use by default. Useful for multi language dictionary to set them active by default.
3 users
create a google translate history dictionary for later use.
3 users
This extension allows you to save definitions you find online to your local machine.
3 users
Dodatek zamienia w wyświetlanych stronach wszelkie neologizmy i dziwne nowoczesne formy na klasyczne słowa języka polskiego
3 users
GPT Corrector
Improve your grammar through AI (ChatGPT)
3 users
Pāli dictionary and sutta search using Simsapa Dhamma Reader.
3 users
Mistype switcher
Switch accidentally typed Hebrew text in English back to Hebrew and vice versa. akuo <==> שלום.
3 users