Pokémon Showdown FR
Pokémon Showdown traduit intégralement en français !
688 utenti
Play to Kodi
Play, queue and remote control your favourite online media on Kodi / XBMC. This is a port of an add-on developed originally for Google Chrome.
688 utenti
Text Contrast for Dark Themes
Fixes low-contrast text when using a dark desktop theme.
687 utenti
Remove Anything
Remove anything (objects or selected text) from any page via the right-click menu. This is intended to be a WebExtensions alternative to "Nuke Anything Enhanced." Almost all of its features are supported, and the undo/redo system has been improved.
686 utenti
Allow me to click Google Maps
Allows user to go to maps straight from search results in google, since it is impossible and has to be explicitly done by searching maps
686 utenti
Make America Kittens Again
Replaces images of Donald Trump with kittens, because seriously, f*** that guy.
686 utenti
夜景模式,保护视力!全网最好的火狐夜景插件,夜猫子必备! 加入了针对特定网站的优化,用户也可以报告明显影响视觉的网站,以进行针对性优化
682 utenti
Toggle dark mode
Toggle the content’s color scheme between preferring light or dark (or inheriting)
675 utenti
Tumblr High Quality
When viewing an image on Tumblr, loads the original raw image instead of the default lower resolution.
673 utenti
GitHub Dark Theme
A dark theme for all of GitHub based on Atom One Dark.Source Code: https://github.com/poychang/github-dark-theme
671 utenti
Explain and Send Screenshots
Permette catturare qualsiasi parte di una pagina web, spiegare con le frecce, cerchi, testo e si inviare come un link o un allegato
671 utenti
Clean CSDN's limitation scripts 清理CSDN限制脚本
668 utenti
External Video Player
Open any video with your favorite Android video player! Thanks to this extension you will be able to open online videos with any native video player like VLC, MxPlayer, etc.
666 utenti
Random password generator
A simple random password generator for Firefox browser
660 utenti
Dark Theme for Reddit
Simple flat dark grey theme for Reddit..
659 utenti
Tasty Tab
Add a Delicious Twist to Your Browsing Experience
659 utenti
ePUB Reader
Visualizza i file ePUB direttamente nel tuo browser.
657 utenti
2048 in Popup
Giocare 2048, in ogni momento, è sempre nel tuo browser!
657 utenti
Disable Polymer on YouTube
The polymer redesign of YouTube has made the site very slow for Firefox users. This add-on adds the "disable_polymer" option to YouTube URLs in order to revert back to the old classic design.
656 utenti
Dark Theme for Facebook™
A schedulable and customizable dark theme for facebook.com and messenger.com
654 utenti
Wikipedia Dark Mode
Dark mode for Wikipedia
651 utenti
4Chan Gallery Mode WG
Adds gallery button to 4chan thread views with keyboard shortcuts. HI! The new version has new permissions for 1) easy save (downloads perm) and 2) openai experiments. If you don't want to use those functions, do not use it. Thanks!
649 utenti
Chrome Web Store
Open current page, link, or all tabs in the Chrome browser.
648 utenti
In Zoom
Enlarge (zoom in) images and videos "inline" (in place) using shift + mouse wheel.
646 utenti
为哔哩哔哩网站(俗称B站:https://www.bilibili.com)增加右键菜单,用于获取视频封面图片,用法如下: 1、鼠标移动到对应的视频上,点击右键,即可呼出下载封面图快捷菜单。 2、点击“获取B站视频封面图”,成功获取会在新标签页打开获取到的封面。 注意:新标签打开图片时,可能提示需要弹出窗口权限。
646 utenti