Click to Remove Element
Remove annoying elements with a single click
645 utenti
Skip Mobile Wikipedia
A WebExtension that redirects the mobile Wikipedia website to the standard, canonical domain. This extension will redirect the first request, and then set a "stopMobileRedirect" cookie to prevent future redirects.
645 utenti
Saves URLs of open tabs into a text file.
645 utenti
Unclutter — Modern Reader Mode
Read, collect, and highlight articles with style.
645 utenti
YTBlock - Block any content from YouTube™
Block any unwanted content from YouTube™
641 utenti
QCLean:Remove Facebook Ads,Suggested Pages&Posts
Remove Ads, Suggested Pages and Posts on News feed of Facebook.
641 utenti
Tap Translate
Add a translate button on the page. Github:
641 utenti
Sakuga Extended
Enjoy a better experience with SAKUGABOORU! Previews on posts, frame control on videos...
636 utenti
Bandcamp Tempo Adjust
An extension to adjust audio pitch on bandcamp
633 utenti
Re-Pagination - WebExtension fork
Load consecutive pages in a single tab at once, or view them in a slideshow, similar to AutoPager but not as automatic. Useful for searches, forums, and webcomics. This is a fork of Nils Maier's Re-Pagination addon, updated for Firefox Quantum.
632 utenti
External Application Button (WebExtension)
A highly customizable external application button and context-menu items
631 utenti
New Tab Google
Open homepage in a new tab
631 utenti
MatPatify: Publisher's Edition
Modify YouTube thumbnails to include text from MatPat's videos
627 utenti
Pretty-prints JSON content in the browser for easy, unobtrusive viewing.
626 utenti
Video Converter
Convert any video file to selected formats (i.e. mp4) inside your browser!
623 utenti
Easy Image Blocker
Easy Image Blocker is the Add-on to control the loading of the image. Images can be load from the context menu individually. You can specify the mode to load the image for each URL in the white list.
622 utenti
Firefox Add-on to enable two-finger left and right gestures to navigate browser history
620 utenti
TruePath generates relative XPath and scripts on click of the targeted web elements.
618 utenti
Internet Speed Tester
Speed Test Most Accurate Online Broadband Internet Speed Test
615 utenti
Purple Private Windows
Private windows are now purple. When you open a new private window, the appearance of the other windows changes, so in the extension settings, select the theme you are using.
614 utenti
Hide Images
Blocks all images on a webpage. Enable/disable using browser action.
614 utenti
Docs Viewer
Easily view PDF and MS Office documents in your browser.
614 utenti
BeeLine Reader
BeeLine's color gradient makes reading faster/easier for over 90% of people. How much will it help you?
614 utenti
Image Reader (OCR)
Easily get words out of an image with OCR engine!
613 utenti
Browser Tool bidbag Bietagent / Sniper für eBay
Add-on zur intelligenten Automatisierung von Geboten in eBay-Auktionen weltweit. bidbag Nutzer sparen im Schnitt über 30% beim Einkauf in eBay, da in den letzten Sekunden geboten wird. Jetzt kostenloses Konto unter eröffnen...
605 utenti